8th Grade
What classes will my student take in 8th grade?
Health & PE 8 or Fit for Life
English 8, English 8 Advanced (with Teacher Recommendation)
Physical Science 8, Physical Science 8 Advanced, (with Teacher Recommendation) and Earth Science as an elective along with Physical Science Advanced (With Teacher Recommendation)
Math 8 or Algebra I (With Teacher Recommendation)
Civics and Economics or World History I and Geography to 1500 AD (With Teacher Recommendation and Integrated History as a 7th grader)
Future Planning Link https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1pj_5gVv9x6118zz0U55_D_aR3F82Zn1Qn3hz3zbuGzY/edit#slide=id.p3
Adademic Pathways
Multiple pathways are available for History, Math, and Science in middle school, with different classes students could encounter. We aim to allow the most challenging course of study possible while following the proper sequence and without sacrificing foundational content knowledge. Don't hesitate to get in touch with your teacher and/or rising 8th-grade counselor with any questions.
In 8th grade, students have two options for electives to fill two periods. (Option A) Students select a year-long music course and one year-long elective. (Option B) Students will choose two of the year-long elective courses and rank three of the Alternative Elective courses.
Beginning Band and Orchestra are sequential classes; each year builds on to the next. If students have an interest in learning an instrument, they should begin in 8th grade. It is much easier to choose another elective in 7th and 8th grade than to join the band or orchestra in 7th and 8th grade.
Band 8 - MU9233
Course Description:
Students will learn in a large instrumental ensemble setting, perform advanced middle school band literature, create their own music, participate in self-directed student led projects, and student music from various genres including classical, jazz and commercial music from film and video games. Students are eligible for participation in All-District Band, and other regional music programs.
Course Description:
Most advanced string offering composed of students on all major string instruments. Instruction concentrates on advanced technical and expressive skills in an ensemble-focused setting. Students will participate in Virginia Band and Orchestra Directors Association events including Concert Assessment, Regional Orchestra, and Solo & Ensemble Assessment. Teacher recommendation
Chorus 8 - MU9271
Course Description:
This class is considered Advanced Chorus. Students will build on the foundations of singing from 7th and 8th grade. They will engage in proper vocal technique for different styles of music, learn music theory and sight singing, and have the opportunity to audition for the All-District Chorus. If new to Chorus, students will be required to purchase a uniform polo for our concerts. If returning, they wear the same shirt from last year. Students will need solid black pants and solid black shoes (purchased on their own) for the concerts.
fRENCH 1 & 2 (HS Credit)
French 1 - WL5110 - (HS Credit)
Course Description:
Demonstrate novice (basic) proficiency in all communication skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Complete activities and projects to support language and culture.
Study cultures of various French-speaking countries.
French 2 - WL5120 - (HS Credit)
Improve communication skills.
Demonstrate high novice proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Complete activities and projects to support culture and language development.
Teacher recommendation
Spanish 1 & 2 (HS Credit)
Spanish 1 - WL5510
Course Description:
Demonstrate novice (basic) proficiency in all communication skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing).
Complete activities and projects designed to support culture and language development.
Study geography and cultures of various Spanish-speaking countries.
Spanish 2 - WL5520
Course Description:
Improve communication skills.
Demonstrate high novice proficiency in all forms of communication.
Complete activities and projects to support culture and language development.
Continue the study of various Spanish-speaking countries.
8th Grade Electives
Students enrolling in 8th Grade Electives classes will experience the following courses for a year-long.
Course Description:
Apply scientific principles to the field of agriculture, including plants, animals, food science, agriculture mechanics (electrical and wood working) and ecology/conservation through laboratory activities. Study principles of leadership and opportunities in FFA along with Supervised Agricultural Experience opportunities.
Art 8 - AR9115
Course Description:
Incorporates design elements in all projects. Focus on drawing and realistic representation. Study of Art History – American.
Art 1 (HS Credit) - AR9120
Course Description:
1 high school credit. See course description in Fine and Performing Arts. Teacher recommendation by Art 7 teacher or portfolio submission.
Course Description:
Project-based course to expand upon basic graphic design skills learned in Intro to Digital Design, as well as adding more skills in new programs. Projects will be a mixture of commercial graphics applications and fine arts applications. Students will approach real-world problems using the design thinking process. Career opportunities in the creative fields will be explored.
Course Description:
Introduces students to the fundamental concepts of theater and foster theater literacy. This program will allow students to further explore the many aspects of theater arts introducing students to communication, social skills, mime, pantomime, clowning, improvisation, speech, vocal production, movement, and characterization. Through research, planning, scripting, production, and performance experiences, students will acquire skills in communicating ideas, critical thinking, and collaborative problem-solving. This course prepares students for further theatrical study at the high school level and nurtures an appreciation for the many forms of theater.
Course Description:
Experience studies of nutrition and wellness, food preparation, relationships, personal environments, textiles, sewing and construction skills, consumer resources, child development and care, and leadership service in action.
Course Description:
In this project-based course, students will create original games through the application of graphic design, animation, audio, and coding skills. They will work in teams in an Agile Project Management environment to develop problem-solving, critical thinking, and effective communication skills while creating games and coding robots. Students will code virtual and physical robots applying higher-order thinking to program robots’ movements and actions based on data received from input devices such as gyroscopes and distance sensors. Career opportunities across multiple industries will be explored.
Yearbook - EL11155
Course Description:
This course is designed to develop students’ skills in print production by providing experiences in selected aspects of yearbook production. Students learn basic principles of design & layout. Other skills developed include writing copy, digital photography; desktop publishing and using appropriate technology tools for media production. Prerequisite: Application or Teacher Recommendation