enABLe - Getting Started

Do I need to get the process signed off from my department for my module to take part in enABLe?

You need the agreement of your Course Leader. We do not envisage a formal approval process for engaging in enABLe.

Does enABLe operate at course or module level?

Both. The workshops share a number of features but differ in many ways. Course-level enABLes are strategic in nature. At module level, the focus is on actual design at a granular level.

We have quite a few courses that would benefit from enABLe. Can we organise more than one workshop?

Yes. Course teams can arrange as many enABLe workshops as required. Again, the specifics of delivery can be discussed at the DNA meeting.

Would it be possible for the DCQE to liaise with the corresponding course leaders and organise training sessions for the entire team please?

Yes. Please email Maria Hutchinson who can liaise with the team and assess needs so a suitable facilitator can be identified.

Is enABLe suitable for new courses prior to validation?

Yes. enABLe is the perfect start for new courses. It will help you create a vision for the course and get you thinking about creative ways to approach assessment design.

When can we expect the DNA/workshops to occur, and who will be contacted to initiate this?

Now. Please contact Maria Hutchinson if you are interested in the process for your course or module.

How do we know which modules to prioritise?

This should be a decision taken by agreement between the course team and perhaps the Associate Head. The Course Leader is likely to have a rationale for prioritising certain modules.

What is the Digital Success Plan?

Is enABLe designed to help with the marketing of my course?

Not directly! First and foremost enABLe has been designed to support a team-based approach to learning design. Thinking creatively about course and module design and the student experience will of course develop potential narratives that could form the basis of marketing collateral but this is very much a secondary outcome of the enABLe process.

The enABLe Workshop

How long is an enABLe workshop?

The duration of the enABLe process is decided by the team’s requirements. There should be a DNA meeting prior to the session that will take roughly one hour. This helps create the focus for the actual workshop.

The workshop can be run in a concise 3.5-hour session, across an entire day or over a few sessions. There is a subsequent review meeting, the duration of which is agreed between the team and the facilitator.

Who will be running the Enable workshops?

It is facilitated by members of Academic Development, the new Learning Designers and staff within faculties that have undertaken the relevant training.

Will the enABle sessions be delivered in a blended and connected way?

The short and bespoke nature of each session means that enABLe does not fit directly to the same taught method the students experience. The principles of Blended and Connected Learning are central to how enABLe has been designed and how it is facilitated.

Who should be attending an enABLe workshop?

enABLe focuses on a team-based approach to learning design. It is therefore essential that the core teaching team attends the enABLe workshop. Any queries about who should be attending can be discussed at the DNA meeting.

How does student feedback play a part in the enABLe process?

Through the appropriate participation of students in the workshop.

One of the gaps we have is in seminar peer review/support. How can we address this without finding more time (money) for staff? Is it possible to teach one's seminar group for 12 weeks with no other colleague giving us any feedback?

The University has a Teaching Observation Framework that sets the expectation for all staff to engage in a process of Peer Review once per year. The time commitment is part of the CPD allowance given for staff and is set at 2 hours per cycle.

Will there be a 'train the trainer' workshop for people outside of the Academic Development team in enABLe/ABC/Carpe Diem?

Currently the sessions are facilitated by members of AcDev, some ADs and the learning designers, however, workshops to increase facilitation capacity are possible as the process grows and evolves.

Post enABLe support

What practical support is available after the enABLe workshops?

Faculty-based support from OCDs and Learning Designers, as well as central support from DCQE (AcDev and TEL).

Is there a bank of resources available to help continue the design process?

Yes. In addition to the enABLe toolkit, available from the enABLe website, we are building a set of exemplars.

How do I get external help to enliven the delivery of my sessions i.e. session based, actual help rather than just theory?

One of the most conducive ways to enliven your teaching is to engage in Peer Observation. This involves watching others teach and being observed yourself. It’s a fantastic way to find inspiration and new ideas and approaches.

The University has a Teaching Observation Policy that outlines the approach.

Alongside this you can contact AcDev if you have any specific queries or would like to talk to someone as a sounding board to enhance your own practice or learn how to use a new technological tool. Also look at acaedemic.events.port.ac.uk for our events calendar

What development opportunities are there for experienced staff? It looks as though the events on the calendar are aimed at new staff? Important, but missing the majority of staff?

The previous sessions were not always fully attended and often only by new starters. A new training programme is under review but some training sessions are available through https://sites.google.com/port.ac.uk/elearning-tools/home?authuser=0