Saving Our Seas and Our Environment--How can you help?

Bring an empty bag to the beach when you go and pick up any trash, especially plastics, that you find. You can do this year round.

Use cloth bags for shopping--those white plastic bags you see floating in ponds or caught up in trees and phone lines, they last for 10 centuries! That's 1,000 years! If you have them, bring them to grocery stores to recycle them, usually near the bottle redemption centers.

Get a reusable bottle for your water. All those plastic bottles end up in trash or landfills and even the ocean.

Use tap water, it's safer and it's local!

Try using more natural products when you clean--Lemon juice, baking soda, vinegar and natural soaps clean just as well, if not better, than some of the chemical cleaners out there. They are also much safer for you to use and come in contact with.

Plant a garden--flowers, herbs, or veggies! Bring green inside, too, and get a houseplant or two for your kitchen window. Basil grows well in a pot and you can make your own pesto!

Eat local--shop at farm stands and farmers' markets when you can. It also helps the local economy!

Have more ideas? Email them to me and I will add them to this list!