Admissions 2022

1. Carefully input your personal information. Make sure you don't add extra numerical and non-numerical symbols including spaces. Do not double space if not needed or required.
2. Make sure you have
No Grades lower than 80% or its equivalent in English, Math & Science
Your General Weighted Average (GWA) should be not lower than 85% or its equivalent.
Check full details at >>UG Admissions 2022 Booklet << or >>Qualifications<<.
3. Secure that your files are in PDF format to be able to submit.
Rename your files in this format >>> [Last Name]_[First Name Initials]_[Application ID]_[Document Name]
For Example, your name is Juan M. De La Cruz and you are going to submit a "2x2 ID Picture"
then the
"Document name" should be like this >>> DELACRUZ_JM_20225198_2x2 ID PICTURE

5. Failure to follow the rules will affect your application status.

Thank you.

Best regards,
PNU South Luzon, Office of the Campus Registrar

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