Get Started

8 am to 5 pm only

  1. First things first, READ INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. Failure to do so might lead to affect the success of your application.

  2. We highly recommend to apply during working hours. However you can still apply beyond working hours especially during Fridays (Work at Home) and weekends but in that case you need to wait for approval on Monday.

  3. Avoid double submission. One entry per applicant only.

  4. Prepare your Gmail Account make sure you are using an active personal account.

  5. Scan all hard copy documents using cam scanner or any file scanner. Make sure it is readable.

  6. All of your documents should be in PDF format except for the 2x2 ID Picture which should be in JPEG format.

  7. Rename your files in this format >>> [Last Name]_[First Name Initials]_[Application ID]_[Document Name]
    For Example, your name is Juan M. De La Cruz and you are going to submit a "Form 138"
    then the
    "Document name" should be like this

>>> DELACRUZ_JM_20225198_FORM 138

  1. If you are using laptop or computer, proceed with Step 1. If you are using smartphone switch to desktop view.

  2. Do not proceed to Step 3 and 4 if you haven't finish Step 1 and 2.

    NOTE: Check our
    "How to's" tab for tutorial services.

If you are done with the first step, click "Next Step".

Next Step