
Check the timetable on Room 23's home page for our next writing session.

Remember to save your writing in your Writing folder.

Thursday 11 November 2021

Read and watch the animation about Biodiversity and give your opinion about this important issue.

Remember to write a few paragraphs using important ideas (main ideas) in each of the paragraphs.

Ensure that you use the correct structure of a paragraph by starting with a topic sentence, adding some detail to back it up, and ending with a comment or opinion.

If you have forgotten how to write a paragraph, have a look at the video clip on the right-hand side.

Wednesday 10 November 2021

Tuesday 9 November 2021

Story starter

“Houston come in. Houston come in. This is Apollo 11. We have touched down on the surface of the moon. Over.”

“Apollo 11, this is Houston. You are clear to begin your mission. Over.”

Gazing around in a state of awe and wonder, the astronaut stood and admired the view. Outer space was a thing of pure beauty: a never-ending chasm of blackness, illuminated by stars that sparkled like beautiful diamonds.

He took a few steps forward, relishing the feeling of weightlessness that never ceased to amaze him. Happy that his oxygen levels were high and his friends were close by, the astronaut set about his mission.

All seemed to be going well, but then the warning alarm on the ship sounded…

“Houston. Houston come in! Houston, we have a problem…”

Continue the story.

Question time

  • What could the warning alarm mean?

  • Describe what it might feel like to be walking on the moon.

  • It is extremely expensive to send a man/woman into space. It is even more expensive and dangerous to send people to the moon: it hasn’t been attempted for many years. Do you think it is important that we try to understand more about space and the moon?

  • In the year 2013, 200’000 people from 140 different countries applied to take part in a special project: to become the first people to live on Mars in the year 2023. Do you think that living in space is something that might one day be considered ‘normal’? Is it something you would like to do?

  • Make a list of reasons for/against living on Mars?

Thursday 4 November 2021

Write a few paragraphs about what you think school would be like when we go back to school this term.

You can also indicate what you would like to see happen at school to make it a safer environment for us all. Remember to motivate your ideas.

Wednesday 3 November 2021

Question time

  • What would you like to find beneath the clouds?

  • How is the house flying?

  • How might Billy be feeling?

  • Where will the house land?

  • Is there anyone else in the house?

The proverbial saying 'every cloud has a silver lining' is used to convey the notion that, no matter how bad a situation might seem, there is always some good.

How does this saying apply to you in these difficult times we are living in at the moment? Write a few paragraphs and motivate your answer.

Story starter

Floating gently through the clear blue sky, Billy stared ahead, hoping he would reach his destination soon. The clouds were endless; covering the horizon as far as the eye could see.

He had set off with a dream but didn’t know if it would come true. As the clouds parted, he could not believe what he could see…

Continue the story.

Question time

  • What different things do you think the boys can see?

  • How do you think they are feeling?

  • Who is travelling in the plane?

  • Do you think the pilot is aware of their presence?

  • Why do you think the boys are on the plane’s wing?

  • How high up do you think they are?

Tuesday 2 November 2021

Story starter

“Look! Look down there!” His voice could just about be heard above the sound of the aeroplane’s engine and the shrieking wind in their ears.

“Can you see it?”

Continue the story.

Picture it

Imagine you can see through the boys’ eyes.

Draw/describe what you can see beneath you.

Thursday 28 October 2021

Signs of Spring

As we emerged from Winter, signs of Spring began to appear all around us.

Think about your senses, go outside and write down a description of what you can see, hear, smell, taste, and touch in the springtime.

This can be a moment in time.

Remember to use figurative language, e.g.

Spring is playful.

Springtime breathes joy into my lungs.

Spring is Hope.

Down the Rabbit Hole

Question time

  • Who is the girl in the picture?

  • What has happened to her?

  • What animal can you see in the tunnel?

  • Apart from books, what else might be lurking in the tunnel?

  • What will happen when she reaches the bottom of the tunnel?

  • What has she left behind at the top?

Wednesday 27 October 2021

Story starter - The Strange Ship

Shrouded in a veil of sea mist, the ghostly galleon swept through the black ocean waves.

One minute you saw her, the next you didn’t.

She was like no other ship.

Blink, and you missed her…

Continue the story.

Question time

Use full sentences to answer the questions!

  1. What is it that is so strange about the ship?

  2. Who do you think the crew are?

  3. How old do you think the ship is?

  4. What do you think the lights are for?

  5. Is there anything else strange that you notice about the picture?

Question time (Everybody to do)

  • What period of time has the artist tried to recreate?

  • Where in the world are they?

  • What makes you think that?

  • What emotions can you see on the oarsmen’s faces?

  • Why is there a baby in the back?

  • Who are the men and where are they going?

  • Why is the woman looking back to the shore?

Thursday 21 October 2021

Today you can choose between the following three options:

  1. Continue with the story you have been writing about for the past two days


  1. Make a drawing of what the explorers are hoping they will discover on their adventure. Remember to add colour to your drawing.


  1. Make a drawing of what they actually discover on their adventure. Remember to add colour to your drawing.

You can make your drawing 3D as well by using bark for the trees and stones for rocks, etc.

Wednesday 20 October 2021

The story you started yesterday was very interesting to read. For today, I would like you to continue with your story. If yesterday's story ended in such a way that you cannot continue it, change the story to you waking up from a bad dream, and continue with the story.

Remember to be creative in your writing to make it more interesting!

Tuesday 19 October 2021 Explorers

Use the story starter to write an interesting story!

Save your writing in your Writing folder on your Drive.

thursday 30 september 2021

You have been accepted into a super-secret spy agency operating under the cover of birdwatchers!

Listen to the short video clip for more information on what you have to write about.

Story starter

Darth, like every other villain, had hobbies. Yes, he obviously liked light sabres and flying around space at catastrophic speeds. He was also fond of trying to eliminate Jedi. However, Darth had a need for speed, and loved nothing more than cruising around in his favourite sports car.

He loved the slick, black tyres, the feeling in the pit of his stomach as he accelerated to great speed along a straight stretch of road. He really could forget all about his troubles, especially those pesky Jedi!

This was his time to relax. Was it all about to change?

Continue the story.

Question time

  • What other hobbies do you think Darth Vader might have?

  • What do you think it would be like to be Darth Vader?

  • Would you rather be a hero or a villain in a movie?

  • If you took the engine out of a car, would it still be a car?

  • If you put wings onto a car, would it still be a car?

  • How do you think cars will change in the next 50 years?


29 september 2021

Tuesday 28 september 2021

Tell the story of Superman's brother Carl, who left Crypton and landed on a deserted planet filled with space trash.

thursday 23 september 2021

Story starter

“Don’t look down. Keep your eyes straight ahead. Just don’t look down,” he muttered to himself, trying to keep his concentration and focus. All around him, the clouds closed in. They looked so white and fluffy like soft pillows, so comforting, almost velvety, in the soft, warm sunlight that caressed them.

He imagined falling from his position and landing among the clouds; landing in them and being welcomed by their softness, as a pillow welcomes you when you go to bed at night. Of course, he knew really that the clouds would not catch him. All that lay beneath him, between the rope and the ground 4000 feet below, was air.

Nervous, exhilarated, tense, he took another step towards his goal…

Continue the story.

Question time

  • Do you think the person in the picture is taking a risk?

  • Is it good or bad to take risks?

  • Why do some people take more risks than others?

  • Is there such a thing as a good risk?

  • What advice would you give this person?

  • How do you think he is feeling at this moment?

tuesday 21 september 2021

Story starter

“I truly have the best job in the world,” said Sam to himself as he gripped the leg of one of his fellow skydivers while gazing at the incredible view beneath him. Every day, while his friends dressed in suits to attend meetings, Sam led group skydiving sessions over the city of Dubai.

That morning, Sam seemed more aware than usual of the sights as he soared. The trunk of the Palm Jumeirah lay majestically beneath them, hosting what looked like a million matchbox houses. Sam knew that in fact the buildings were more like mansions than matchboxes but they looked miniscule from his aerial view.

As they floated peacefully through the air, Sam noticed something unusual, just at the foot of the Palm’s trunk. His eyes widened as it came into view…

Continue the story.

Question time

  • How are the skydivers feeling?

  • What do you think Sam could have seen at the foot of the palm’s trunk?

  • If you were given the chance to skydive, would you like to do it?

  • What else do you think Sam and the skydivers could see other than the matchbox houses?

Sentence challenge

These sentences are sick and need your help to get better. Please help.

Sam and the skydivers held on to each other. They were high up. It was scary.

Picture it

Draw the unusual object that Sam spotted.

Be as creative as you can!


Watch this video to help get inspired about today's writing topic.

Read this information and write a few paragraphs about space pens.


thursday 16 September 2021

Starting today, use this wordless book to write your own story by using the illustrations in the book. First page through the book to get an idea of what the book is about. Use your ideas that come to mind to write about. Careful planning will be needed.

Type your story and number your pages. Remember to save your story in your Writing Folder.

Have fun!

Wednesday 15 September 2021

International Space Station (ISS) Benefits

Write a few paragraphs about the benefits the ISS provides to humanity.

Which of the benefits is a complete surprise to you?nit

Tuesday 14 September 2021

We have been in lockdown for 4 weeks now. Write a few paragraphs about your experiences during this time.

What has been good or bad about the last 4 weeks?

Support your discussion points with some evidence.

Wednesday 8 September 2021

Read about the International Space Station and write a few paragraphs about it, e.g. How old? What does it consist of? Why is it important to us? etc.

Tuesday 7 September 2021

Write a few paragraphs about the difference between asteroids, comets, and meteors.

This link will help you with your writing.

Wednesday 1 September 2021 and

Thursday 2 September 2021

Rocket Pop-Up Card

Use the following website link to make your own pop-up card. You can change the design to include your own ideas. Try to improvise if you do not have the required materials.

Remember, it is Father's Day this Sunday!

Tuesday 31 August 2021

Caves on Mars

What do we know about Caves on Mars?

How many caves have been detected so far on Mars?

Do a little research on Caves on Mars and write about the importance of these caves for future explorers?

Here is one link to a website that provides some information. Find a few more to find enough information. Remember to copy and paste the website address at the bottom of your writing for future reference.

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Our focus today in writing is about our speeches. From Thursday you will start to present your speeches.

Students who would like to volunteer to be of the first can indicate it to me by today. Tonight I will make a roster to indicate the times you will be presenting your speech, starting this Thursday.

You have been busy with your speech writing for more than four weeks now and should be prepared to present it.

Make use of the time today to finalise your speech. Be sure to use cue cards and practice your speech.

The whole school is presenting their speeches and some classes have already started to present their speeches.

Friday 20 August 2021

Continue to work on your speeches. Your speech is your priority!

Last year we were in lockdown during speeches and we had to do them online. Depending on the announcement later today, we might have to do them online again.

Remember, we will be presenting during week 5, so you still need to be ready to present soon either back at school or online. Use the resources I shared with you to fine-tune your speech.

If you have finished your speech and have learned it almost off by heart (cue cards are to remind you if you forget), then continue to work on your Planet Project. If you do not have paper for a poster, do it on your device.

You can also have a look at the San Diego Zoo website below.

The San Diego Zoo has a website just for kids with amazing videos, activities, and games. Enjoy the tour!

Write a few paragraphs about something interesting you noticed on this website.