
Check the timetable on Room 23's Home Page for our next reading session.

Remember to save your reading activities in your Reading folder.

Thursday 11 November 2021

Read and watch the video to answer the following questions.

  1. What is the goal for training avalanche rescue dogs?

  2. Explain the training process used for avalanche rescue dogs?

Tuesday 9 November 2021

Choose one of the thrilling stories to read of female adventurers who never stopped believing in themselves.

Write a few paragraphs about the person and what you learned from her experience.

Non-screen Activities

Click on the image to get started. It is also saved in your Reading folder.

Monday 8 November 2021

Congratulations Rm23, you are doing well and putting in a great effort in your reading. Only 100 more books and we have reached the 1000 mark.

Keep up the good work!


What makes Kakapos such interesting birds? How are they similar or different to other NZ birds?

Read about these birds and answer the questions above.

What else makes this a special bird?

Myths & Legends

Choose a myth or legend from this book and summarise it in a few paragraphs.

If you scroll down, you can alsp do some of the non-screen activities of last week Thursday.

Non-screen Activities

Click on the heading to get started. It is also saved in your Reading folder.

Thursday 4 November 2021

Proof-reading Activity

Today you have to identify the type of mistake in the passage (e.g. spelling, apostrophes, etc.) and correct it. It is indicated how many mistakes there are, so read carefully to find the mistakes.

Remember, punctuation is very important and if you want to be good at it, you have to practice it.

Non-screen Activities

Click on the image to get started. It is also saved in your Reading folder.

Tuesday 2 November 2021

During the pandemic, moving cargo around the world has become a great headache for companies. The cargo ships at times, have to wait a long time before their cargo can be offloaded at ports. Read important parts of this book to answer the following questions.

  1. What is the future of cargo ships in our changing world while we are trying to be more environmentally friendly?

  2. What new innovations were developed over the years with cargo ships?

  3. Any other important information about cargo ships you did not know before you read about it today.

Monday 1 November 2021

Summarise the story of the Flying Dutchman in a few paragraphs.

Which two of the other stories did you find interesting? Write in a few paragraphs why you chose the two stories.

Here are some activities you can do to link up to some reading you have done.

Thursday 28 October 2021

Our inquiry topic for this term is about exploration and what motivates people to explore.

Explain what deployed means.

What are the benefits of this soft robot?

Why is it not used very often?

Do some research to answer these questions.


Who was Christopher Columbus?

Find interesting information about him and write about it in a few paragraphs. Remember, you can choose the information you want to write about by using this book in Epic.

Tuesday 26 October 2021

Our inquiry topic for this term is about exploration and what motivates people to explore.

Log into Epic or click on the image and read this book about exploring the deep, dark sea.

Design a submersible and explain /label its features and explain what they are for.

Thursday 21 October 2021

So far, we have read about James Cook and Ferdinand Magellan. Today you will read about Marco Polo as an explorer.

Do a Google search about Marco Polo and answer the following questions:

  1. Who was Marco Polo? Provide information about his nationality, where and when he was born and died, etc.

  2. How did Marco Polo change the world?

  3. Why is Marco Polo still important today?

  4. What are some of his great achievements?

  5. Other information that is interesting or very important about Marco Polo.

Marco Polo

Tuesday 19 October 2021

Answer the questions on a google doc saved in your Reading folder for Term 4.

Remember the date and heading at the top.

This story can be read over a few days this week to gain some general knowledge about this explorer.

Monday 18 October 2021

The activity is already saved in your Reading folder.

Answer the questions on a google doc saved in your Reading folder for Term 4.

Remember the date and heading at the top.

Thursday 30 September 2021

Listen to this popular story!

Write a summary of the first chapter.

Here are some fun activities you could do.

  1. Read the story of PANCHO RABBIT and the COYOTE and write a short summary of it.

  2. At the beginning of the story, Pancho's family prepares food to celebrate the return of his father. Is there a special food your family prepares when they want to celebrate?

  3. When Pancho meets the coyote, he only agrees to help Pancho if he gives him his food. Is the coyote being fair? Do you think he actually wanted to help Pancho? Why or why not?

Listen to this story read by Mark Duplass

MONDAY 27 September 2021

Grammar/punctuation challenge

Beginning a sentence with an adverb gives your reader a real sense of how the action is taking place in your story.

For example:

Surprisingly, the lights took on a life of their own, creating a party of light in every direction.

Write your own sentences about the house, beginning with an adverb.


Silently, Sarah pressed the switch and took a deep breath. Colours filled the house as beams of light hit the coloured panes of glass. It was just as she has hoped for, just as she had imagined. Carefully, she turned a full circle to take in the rainbow world she had designed and created. She knew it was going to become a special place for the people of this enormous city.

Describe your own design of a house/building for a city location.

Question time

  • Why has the house been built there? Who will be using it?

  • Why do you think Sarah chose that location for her rainbow glass house to be made?

  • What do you think Sarah’s job is? Is this the only building she has designed?

  • If you were to create your own glass house, where would you build it and how would you like it to be used?

Not many students complete the Thursday activity of Trapped! A whale's Rescue

Have a go!

THURSDAY 23 September 2021


Log on to Epic and read this book.

Design a billboard that Jack might have seen on his travels.

Make a list of the places that Jack visited.

Describe the figurative language used by the author throughout the story to describe the movements of the whale.


mystery science

Do sharks really want to eat people?

Watch this video and learn something new.


Read this text and give your opinion about the possibility of there being other planets humans can colonise. Motivate your opinion.

the case of the missing carrot cake Read and enjoy. What was the best part of the book? Write your response in one paragraph.

(For those who missed out on this reading activity)

Thursday 16 September 2021

Dr. Seuss! Listen to the three books and write a few paragraphs indicating why you liked a certain book best. You can compare books as well if you want to.

tuesday 14 september 2021

How does the old pelican trick the fish in his lake so he doesn't have to work to catch his food?

Maori myth and legends

How did Maui trick Mahuika?

What is the meaning of rangatira?

How did Maui escape from the fire?

What did Maui bring back from his trip?

Listen to a story read by a celebrity.

monday 13 september 2021

Permanent Settlements (pg.20-23)

What are your thoughts about this topic?

thursday 9 september 2021

Log on to Epic and read this book.

Explain in your words how the happy birthday song came about.

tuesday 7 september 2021

Read the Earthquake activity which is in your Reading folder and answer the questions about it. Remember to record your answers in the same way as we usually do.

monday 6 september 2021

Read the Wimbledon activity that is already in your Reading folder on your Drive and answer the questions.

Remember to type your answers on a document with the heading Wimbledon.

Do not type the questions. Number the questions from 1 to 10, and type your answers for each number, e.g.








Save your answers in your Reading folder.

thursday 2 september 2021

Read the Father's Day activity that is already in your Reading folder on your Drive and answer the questions.

Remember to type your answers on a document with the heading Father's Day.

Do not type the questions. Number the questions from 1 to 10, and type your answers for each number, e.g.

Father's Day







Save your answers in your Reading folder.

tuesday 31 august 2021

Princess Penelope - Figurative Language

For today you will find the reading activity in your Reading folder. I shared the file through Hapara.

Read the activity and answer the questions on your Reading document. Remember to write the heading and date and number the answers for the gaps.

monday 30 august 2021

Solar Flares

Do some research on Solar Flares and indicate how they can affect life on Earth.

Use more than just one website to get your information from. Save your work in a file in your Writing folder on your Drive with the title Solar Flares.

thursday 26 august 2021

Read the following Rainforest Deforestation activity and answer the questions.

Remember to type your answers on a document with the heading Rainforest Deforestation.

Do not type the questions. Number the questions from 1 to 10, and type your answers for each number, e.g.

Rainforest Deforestation







Save your answers in your Reading folder.

tuesday 24 august 2021

Read the following Roald Dahl activity and answer the questions.

Remember to type your answers on a document with the heading Roald Dahl

Do not type the questions. Number the questions from 1 to 10, and type your answers for each number, e.g.

Roald Dahl







Save your answers in your Reading folder.

monday 23 august 2021

The Sun - Link

Read the following activity and answer the questions.

Remember to type your answers on a document with the heading THE SUN.

Do not type the questions. Number the questions from 1 to 10, and type your answers for each number, e.g.






Save your answers in your Reading folder.

Friday 20 August 2021

Use this link to the reading activity - Planet earth Link

Thursday 19 August 2021

Use this link to the reading activity - Link

Remember to save your work in your Reading folder.