Violin/Viola Supplies

Accessories, etc.

  1. Rosin

  • And an 8" by 8" cloth (to wipe off excess rosin). Old tee-shirts works great.

  1. Shoulder rest:

    • Preferably a contoured shoulder rest made of plastic. A good one will cost you $15-$30.

      • Everest Brand Recomended

    • Be sure to buy the correct size for your instrument.

    • Contact us for help with sizing.

  1. Extra set of strings:

    • Make sure they are the correct size (i.e. if you are playing a 3/4-size violin, make sure you get 3/4-size strings).

    • Broken strings are a normal occurrence--we feel it's best to be prepared with extras if you OWN your instrament.

Rosin (for bow hair)

-average cost: $3.00-$10.00

Shoulder rest

-contact teacher for recommendations


*can be bought singly

Shoulder rest case

-sometimes needed with shaped case

Other Useful Items to Have


*free Apps also available


-for ensemble playing

Heavy Duty Practice Mute

-for nearly silent practice at home


*also styles for table top