Computer Science

Junior High Computer Science will be taught using the curriculum developed by Computer Science Discoveries is a precursor to Computer Science Principles which is taught at the high school level. The course takes a wide lens on computer science by covering topics such as problem solving, programming, physical computing, user-centered design, and data, while inspiring students as they build their own websites, apps, games, and physical computing devices.

Learn about CS Discoveries

Units of Study

Unit 1: Problem Solving and Computing

  • What strategies and processes can I use to become a more effective problem solver?

Unit 2: Web Development

  • Why do people create websites?

  • How can text communicate content, structure, and style on a web page?

  • How do I safely and appropriately make use of the content published on the Internet?

  • What strategies can I use when coding to find and fix issues?

Unit 3: Interactive Animations and Games

  • What is a computer program?

  • What are the core features of most programming languages?

  • How does programming enable creativity and individual expression?

  • What practices and strategies will help me as I write programs?

Unit 4: The Design Process

  • How do designers identify the needs of their user?

  • How can we ensure that a user's needs are met by our designs?

  • What processes will best allow us to efficiently create, test, and iterate upon our designs?

Unit 5: Data and Society

  • Why is representation important in problem solving?

  • What features does a representation system need to be useful?

  • What is necessary to create usable binary representation systems?

  • How can we combine systems together to get more complex information?

Unit 6: Physical Computing

  • How does software interact with hardware?

  • How can computers sense and respond to their environment?

  • What kind of information can be communicated with simple hardware outputs?