Academic Expectations

At the beginning of each semester students and parents sign a Master Agreement (MA) that outlines academic expectations. Failure to meet those expectations can result in academic probation and potentially academic dismissal (see policy below).

Expectations are simple, students should complete work assigned. Not only is it critical to their academic and personal development but its imperative to maintaining the schools financial well-being. Like all public schools, Plumas Charter School (PCS) collects its monies from the state of California by claiming "attendance." However, unlike traditional schools PCS claims attendance not through physical or "seat-based" attendance (students in seats for x minutes a day) but through the percentage of work completed in a Learning Period (LP).

Each academic year at PCS is composed of 10 LPs. At the end of each LP teachers calculate the percentage of work completed by each student and then submit that to the state. This process drives our late work policy -- all assignments for an LP must be turned in no later than the Wednesday following the end of an LP (see our academic calendar to determine these dates). Students who turn in late assignments beyond this point put themselves at the mercy of their teacher. There is no requirement for a teacher to award credit to a student whose lack of responsibility risks the schools financial well-being.

Student Discipline, Suspension, Dismissal and Expulsion 01.2019.pdf