Getting Help

If you are a student needing help, read on!!!  If you are staff or faculty needing help, consider participating in PLU's Lute FASSN program.

Help from Me

It is worth repeating: You are welcome to reach out to me for help any time. I hope that you will connect at least once during the semester – just to chat if you don’t have any questions about the course. 

One way to connect with me is during student/office hours.  I also am happy to set up video meetings outside of regular working hours for students who have commitments that make it difficult to connect during the day. 

NJ's  Student Hours: 

in Morken 255 

(link, when decided in advance to be virtual)

What are  "student hours"  or "Office Hours"?

Student hours are a time I set aside each week to help students with whatever they need.  Some professors call these times "office hours." This time is meant for YOU!  You are not "bugging" me if you pop in for those hours, and if you can't make it to my student hours, that's OK!  Just reach out to set up another time to meet up with me. I love getting to know students, so don't hesitate to reach out!

...via email

Questions via email are great, too! If you have a question to ask via email, please copy and paste the prompt (question) of the assignment along with your question. This helps me respond much sooner if I am "out and about" when I receive your email. 

(If I am at the grocery store and I read "hey I'm confused about the wording on #7" it will take me a whole heap of time to drive home, look up #7, and respond.  If I read "hey I'm confused about the wording on #7, here is what it says: ______" then I can respond right then and there so that you can be on your way.)

Tarazevich, A. (2020) Here To Help Lettering Text on Black Background. Licensed by Pexels: Free to use. Retrieved from Pexels

Help from other students in our class

If you need help you can also ask other students!  You are welcome to complete online quizzes and homework assignments in collaboration with other students!

Cottonbro Studios (2020) Woman in Red Shirt Holding Pen Writing on White Paper. Licensed by Pexels: Free to Use.  Retrieved from Pexels

Help from PLU tutors though Knack

Students looking for additional assistance outside of the classroom are advised to consider working with a peer tutor through Knack. Knack’s platform allows students to book 1-on-1 and group tutoring sessions. Knack Tutors are verified high-achieving students from Pacific Lutheran University who have previously succeeded in the courses they offer assistance in. Tutoring will continue to be free and unlimited for all students and sessions can take place in-person or online through the Knack app. To view available tutors, visit and sign in with your student account.

If you are a student struggling with more complex issues, with multiple or severe learning disabilities, or anything else that is creating a barrier to learning, the director of the tutoring center (Leslie) said you are welcome to reach out to her. You can email or call her (253-905-6028) to let her know what's happening. 

More Help from PLU

I've worked at half-a-dozen institutions, and I've found that there is something different about PLU: they really seem to care about students.  Now let me be clear: all institutions care about their students because students graduating and getting good jobs helps their rankings and reported success rates and donations and so on.  But PLU is different.  They really seem to genuinely care about students. 

So it is not surprising that they have designed lots of ways to provide support for students who are struggling. 

The PLU Center for Academic Success is designed to help you find the support you need to overcome whatever difficulties you may be facing: problems completing coursework, finances, personal life, or anything else.  Check out the website at: 

The Center for Student Success was created to integrate services and support so as to help PLU students find their way.  It's a great place to start if you're struggling and don't know where to begin.   Image retrieved from

Here are some other resources that may help you:

Center for Student Success

This is a good place to start if you need help but don't know where to begin.

Counseling Center

Student Care Network

This is a way to anonymously (or not) report if you have concerns about a friend. A non-judgemental counselor will reach out to check in and see if the student is ok. I submit care forms when students are struggling in class. 

Gender-Based Violence Advocate

Bias Incident Response Team (BIRT)

A safe place to start if you don't know how to report a problem

Resources for DACA and undocumented students 

Center for Diversity, Justice, and Sustainability 

TimelyCare (formerly Lute Telehealth) 

TimelyCare has expanded their services for PLU students to include scheduled and on-demand mental health therapy appointments, unlimited health coaching, and self-guided wellness journeys, among other resources tailored to changing student needs. PLU students also have 24/7 access to scheduled psychiatric behavioral health appointments for medication management.  

Campus Ministry

Center for Military Support

Resources for Students with Documented Disabilities

Students with medically recognized and documented disabilities and who are in need of accommodation must notify the University Office of Disability Support Services (X7206) of their needs. I am happy to accommodate, and to provide assistance in case of classroom evacuation. Please make an appointment with me as soon as possible if you need either of these. You can also consult with the Office of Accessibility and Accommodation if you don't know where to start.

PLU Pantry

A place to get some food if you need!

Center for PLU Alumni and Student Connections

This is a great place to find someone to job-shadow or to ask questions about career interests.  PLU Alumni LOVE to help out PLU students; take advantage of this awesome opportunity!

If none of these resources seem to apply to your situation, let me know and I'll do some digging to try to help you get the support you need!

A great place to look next is your course's specific page: 

Next step for syllabus: 

Go to your Course's Page

(Click on the Courses button)