145 Daily Content

Depolo, Steven.  (2009)  You Can Do It Lake Huron Beach Oscoda Trip 9-25-09 16.  Licensed under Creative Commons 2.0 (link).  Retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/stevendepolo/3968766889


  • Final Exam next week starts at 1pm!
  • Office hours next Tuesday, same time 9:15 am
  • Take home solutions should be  released now; be sure to learn from your mistakes!  Ask NJ for help viewing which problems you can learn from
    • 1 pt required; forward NJ completion for 3 miscellaneous/quiz bonus points. 
    • They are anonymous, and I don't see them until after grades are submitted.

To Do

May 22: Final Exam

In Class:

      • Confidence Interval interpretations for two-sample tests: your interpretation should be about a *difference* between the two groups
      • One-sample vs. two-sample test
      • Conclusion for a hypothesis test

Your choice:

Depolo, Steven.  (2009)  You Can Do It Lake Huron Beach Oscoda Trip 9-25-09 16.  Licensed under Creative Commons 2.0 (link).  Retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/stevendepolo/3968766889


  • Final Exam next week starts at 1pm!
  • Office hours next Tuesday, same time 9:15 am
  • Take home solutions should be  released now; be sure to learn from your mistakes!  Ask NJ for help viewing which problems you can learn from
    • 1 pt required; forward NJ completion for 3 miscellaneous/quiz bonus points. 
    • They are anonymous, and I don't see them until after grades are submitted.

To Do

May 17: Review and Project/HW Time

In Class:

      • Confidence Interval interpretations for two-sample tests: your interpretation should be about a *difference* between the two groups
      • One-sample vs. two-sample test
      • Conclusion for a hypothesis test

Your choice:

Kongkamsri, S. (2015) Brown Helicopter Flying Above Green Field during Daytime. Licenseed under Pexels: free to use. Retrieved from  https://www.pexels.com/photo/helicopter-90283/


  • Final Exam next week starts at 1pm!
  • Office hours next Tuesday, same time 9:15 am
  • Take home solutions will be released shortly
    • 1 pt required; forward NJ completion for 3 miscellaneous/quiz bonus points. 
    • They are anonymous, and I don't see them until after grades are submitted.

To Do

May 15: Correlation inference in R

In groups:

Today's lesson

Kongkamsri, S. (2015) Brown Helicopter Flying Above Green Field during Daytime. Licenseed under Pexels: free to use. Retrieved from  https://www.pexels.com/photo/helicopter-90283/


  • Take home exam, due today 11:59 pm.
    • The take-home is designed to serve as a bit of a review for the final.
    • All students's in-class final exam scores will override the take-home score if higher.
    • If you choose not to complete it, your in-class final exam score will count for the take-home score as well. 
    • 1 pt required; forward NJ completion for 3 miscellaneous/quiz bonus points. 
    • They are anonymous, and I don't see them until after grades are submitted.

To Do

May 13: Correlation inference

In groups:

Today's lesson

Some homes in the city of Biruwa at the edge of Gwaja Bay on the Islands.


  • All Late HW deadline May 10
  • Take home exam, due Monday, May 13 11:59 pm.
    • The take-home is designed to serve as a bit of a review for the final.
    • All students's in-class final exam scores will override the take-home score if higher.
    • If you choose not to complete it, your in-class final exam score will count for the take-home score as well. 
    • 1 pt required; forward NJ completion for 3 miscellaneous/quiz bonus points. 
    • They are anonymous, and I don't see them until after grades are submitted.

To Do

May 10 - Project Time

In Class:

Project Rubric and Instructions 

Some homes in the city of Biruwa at the edge of Gwaja Bay on the Islands.


  • All Late HW deadline May 10
  • HW on Chi-square tests is available on G.C. and due Wednesday (not Friday)
  • Take home exam opens on Wednesday, due Monday, May 13
    • 1 pt required; forward NJ completion for 3 miscellaneous/quiz bonus points. 
    • They are anonymous, and I don't see them until after grades are submitted.

To Do

May 8 - Data Analysis

In Class:

Project Rubric and Instructions 

Some homes in the city of Biruwa at the edge of Gwaja Bay on the Islands.


  • All Late HW deadline May 10
  • Deadline for data collection is BEFORE class May 6.
  • Class ends today 20 minutes early 2:30 pm.  We will resume on Wednesday if not finished with the data cleaning. 
  • A lot of the remaining class time is project time.
  • HW on Chi-square tests is available on G.C. and due Wednesday (not Friday)
  • Take home exam opens on Wednesday
  • Final exam review and solutions are given below

To Do

May 6 - Data Cleaning

In Class:

Some homes in the city of Biruwa at the edge of Gwaja Bay on the Islands.


  • No class May 3
  • All Late HW deadline May 10
  • Deadline for data collection is BEFORE class May 6.
  • A lot of the remaining class time is project time.
  • HW on Chi-square tests is available on G.C. and due next Wednesday (not Friday)
  • Take home exam opens on Wednesday
  • Final exam review and solutions are given below

To Do

May 3 - No Class: Data Collection Time

On your own:

Fernando (2016) White Caution Cone on Keyboard. Licensed by Pexels: Free to Use. Retrieved from Pexels.


  • No class this Friday, May 3 (great time to collect your data!)
  • All Late HW deadline May 10
  • Thursday's office hours are moved to 10am.
  • Deadline for data collection is BEFORE class May 6.
  • A lot of the remaining class time is project time.

To Do

  • Let me know if you need help viewing comments on grading

May 1: Limitations and Assumptions

In Class:

Discuss the final exams

      • open May 8, due May 13
      • can be completed in groups
      • Purpose is to help prepare you for the in-class final 
      • completed individually
      • see Final Exam schedule below for day & time
      • worth about double the take-home, so in-class version is more important
      • Open note, open R, open applets (not open internet) 

Lesson 16: Limitations and Assumptions (notes)

Leelo (2020) A Couple Kissing beside a White Dog.   Licensed by Pexels: Free to Use. Retrieved from Pexels.

Chi-square tests are useful for analyzing whether two variables are independent or (similarly) if several populations are homogeneous across a categorical variable.


  • A comment on the HW grading
  • No class this Friday, May 3 (great time to collect your data!)
  • All Late HW deadline May 10
  • Thursday's office hours are moved to 10am.

To Do

April 29

Chi-square practice & Chi-square statistic

In Class:

Review: In the table below, is variable 1 reasonably independent of variable 2? How do you know?

Chi Square Test practice:

Throughout human history, romantics, poets, balladeers and songwriters have celebrated the idea that there’s just one true love for every living soul. Does education appear to have a significant association with whether  Americans agree that they have only one true love?

As a group: Calculations for the chi-square statistic

Example of 2 perfectly independent variables for which a Chi-square test would give a Chi-square statistic of 0 and a p-value of 1. 


  • No class May 3
  • All Late HW deadline May 10
  • Thursday's office hours are moved to 10am.

To Do

Apr 26:

Chi-Square tests

In groups:

In class

Big Ideas:

    • Ho: The two variables are independent
    • Ha: The two variables are NOT independent (i.e., there is a relationship)
Resident of The Islands.


  • Bring HW questions to class Friday
  • No class May 3
  • All Late HW deadline May 10
  • Data collection deadline you put in your project proposal doesn't apply since NJ is catching up on grading. New deadline: May 6.

To Do

April 24: Project Time

In groups: 

  • Share how to refer to you.
  • What is your favorite thing you've created, constructed, or put together?
  • Discuss Quiz question below.

NJ feedback/thoughts on Data Collection

Project Time

Pixabay. (2017) Kitten lying on surface. Licensed by Pexels: Free to Use. Retrieved from https://www.pexels.com/photo/kitten-lying-on-surface-416160/


  • We are on Lesson 15; I mislabeled the last two.
  • No class May 3

To Do

April 22:  two-sample t-tests


Shvets, A. (2020). Woman in Face Mask Checking Thermometer Licensed under Pexels. Retreived from Pexels.


To Do

April 19: More on one-sample t-tests


Shvets, A. (2020). Woman in Face Mask Checking Thermometer Licensed under Pexels. Retreived from Pexels.


To Do

April 17: One-sample t-tests




To Do

April 15: Absolute/Relative Risk 


Shkraba, A (2020) Baby in a Blanket Yawning. License: Pexels. Retrieved from Pexels. Conventional wisdom says yawns are contagious; when you see someone else yawn, you are prone to feel sleepy and let out a yawn yourself. But will this hypothesis withstand a scientific test?


To Do

April 12: Finish Two sample z-tests


In groups:

Review of sampling methods

Shkraba, A (2020) Baby in a Blanket Yawning. License: Pexels. Retrieved from Pexels. Conventional wisdom says yawns are contagious; when you see someone else yawn, you are prone to feel sleepy and let out a yawn yourself. But will this hypothesis withstand a scientific test?


To Do

April 10: Two sample z-tests


Nurse head logo vector illustration (N.D.) Licensed under Creative Commons 1.0 (link). Retrieved from https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Nurse-head-logo-vector-illustration/26732.html


To Do


(DataFest and NJ recovery)

Khongchum, C. (2019).  Person Holding Green-leafed Plant. Licensed under Pexels. Retrieved from Pexels


To Do

April 5: Class does not meet:

Watch video below on Study design and Claims

Nurse head logo vector illustration (N.D.) Licensed under Creative Commons 1.0 (link). Retrieved from https://publicdomainvectors.org/en/free-clipart/Nurse-head-logo-vector-illustration/26732.html


To Do:

April 3: NJ out sick.  Class cancelled

On your own:

Some homes in the city of Biruwa at the edge of Gwaja Bay on the Islands.


  • No class on Monday of next week, no quiz Tuesday
      • (NJ in DataFest recovery)

To Do

April 1: sampling Methods

In groups: 

  • Share how your group should refer to you.
  • What song captures how you feel right now, or how you feel this month?
  • What is your StarLord album? ...The one you'd take with you everywhere and play on headphones while going about your business?

In class:

If time: 

An inhabitant of the Islands


  • New Groups
  • Consider participating in DataFest
  • Registration coming up
    • Meet with your adviser shortly after spring break
    • Look up your registration time on banner
  • Consider Data Science Minor or Statistics Minor! (NJ will discuss more about them soon)
  • Videos introducing R (including our lecture 03/08)

To Do

March 22: Intro to the Islands

    • On Google Classroom
    • If you're in class today, you can submit one per group. If you miss class, you must submit your own.
  • NJ Returns Exams.
Harding, I. (2005).  Helpful Signpost. Licensed under Creative Commons 2.0. https://www.flickr.com/photos/nord_modular/52772616


  • New Groups
  • Consider participating in DataFest
  • Registration coming up
    • Meet with your adviser shortly after spring break
    • Look up your registration time on banner
    • Registration > Class
      • tell your instructor you're registering or that you need to leave class early / come late because of registration.
    • Consider Data Science Minor or Statistics Minor! (NJ will discuss more about them soon)
  • Videos introducing R (including our lecture 03/08)

To Do

March 20: Overview of basic methods, Intro to the Islands

      • How your group should refer to you, 
      • What is your dream 2-week, all expenses paid vacation
      •  Share e-mail addresses
      • Make sure everyone can log in to the Islands using their PLU email: https://theislands.umn.edu/login.php
      • Explore the Islands!
    • On Google Classroom
    • If you're in class today, you can submit one per group. If you miss class, you must submit your own.
Depolo, Steven.  (2009)  You Can Do It Lake Huron Beach Oscoda Trip 9-25-09 16.  Licensed under Creative Commons 2.0 (link).  Retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/stevendepolo/3968766889


To Do

March 18: Exam 1

In class:

Depolo, Steven.  (2009)  You Can Do It Lake Huron Beach Oscoda Trip 9-25-09 16.  Licensed under Creative Commons 2.0 (link).  Retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/stevendepolo/3968766889


To Do

March 15: Take-home exam feedback, etc.

In class:

Early Term Feedback Results Summary

Take-home Exam Feedback 

  •  discuss questions in groups
  • NJ discusses some of the toughest problems

R lab time / Work on Review packet / More exam feedback

R Cheat sheets can be found at https://www.rstudio.com/resources/cheatsheets/


To Do

March 13: Students use R!

Depolo, Steven.  (2009)  You Can Do It Lake Huron Beach Oscoda Trip 9-25-09 16.  Licensed under Creative Commons 2.0 (link).  Retrieved from https://www.flickr.com/photos/stevendepolo/3968766889


To Do

MARCH 11: take home exam



To Do

March 8: The Central Limit Theorem for Proportions


To Do

March 6: Intro to R and p-value interpretations

Kaldari (2019). Atlantic horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus).jpg. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons


To Do

    • A great resource for this (with instructions) is Chapter 1: Getting Started with R in the (free!) textbook: ModernDive. 
    • If it has been a long time, or if you've done a OS update, you should reinstall. 

March 4: More on Confidence Intervals

 In class:

Kaldari (2019). Atlantic horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus).jpg. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons


To Do

    • A great resource for this (with instructions) is Chapter 1: Getting Started with R in the (free!) textbook: ModernDive. 
    • If it has been a long time, or if you've done a OS update, you should reinstall. 

March 1: Confidence Intervals

 In class:

Kaldari (2019). Atlantic horseshoe crab (Limulus polyphemus).jpg. Retrieved from Wikimedia Commons


To Do

Feb 28: Two-tailed tests

 In class:

wp paarz (2016) Gavel - Courtroom and Gavel. Licensed under Creative Commons 2.0 (link to license).  Retreived from flickr (link).


To Do

Feb 26:  Statistics for social justice

(with intro to Alternative Hypotheses)

Calculation of a P-value using the ISI applet


To Do

Feb 23: HW questions and Biology Career Panel

 In class:

Calculation of a P-value using the ISI applet


To Do

Feb 21: P-values

 In class:

Tarazevich, A. (2020) Woman With Face Mask Holding An Alcohol Bottle. Licenced under Pexels: free to use. Retrieved from Pexels


To Do

Feb 16: More Hypothesis testing (Simulation): one-sample Z-test

In class:

Dolphin's Head in the Surface. (2016) By Pixabay. Licenced under Pexels: free to use. Retrieved from Pexels


To Do

Feb 14: Hypothesis testing (formally, with Vocabulary)

In class:

Dolphin's Head in the Surface. (2016) By Pixabay. Licenced under Pexels: free to use. Retrieved from Pexels


To Do

Feb 12: Introduction to Hypothesis testing (Simulation based inference) using a one-sample Z-test

In class:

Subiyanto, Ketut. (2020) Wooden Welcome Signage. Licenced under Pexels: free to use. Retrieved from Pexels


    • if you have a question about coursework be sure to include the prompt in the email.

To Do

      • handwritten or typed.  
      • Submit as a pdf to Google Classroom
      • HW uses this article (link must be logged in to PLU to access)

Feb 9: Introduction

In class:


Subiyanto, Ketut. (2020) Wooden Welcome Signage. Licenced under Pexels: free to use. Retrieved from Pexels


Feb 7: Introduction


Below is what my plan was; most of this will be moved to Friday's lesson.