Purpose of our website


"At XP, we build our community through activism, leadership and equity, sharing our stories as we go..."

Expedition websites at XP Trust are constructed during the expedition planning process to provide one place for students, parents and staff to access all the information and resources needed for the learning expedition. Websites narrate the learning journey of the expedition and showcase how we are moving towards where we want to be.

Using a central place ensures that students can access the expedition resources without having to navigate and search for different documents that are placed in a variety of places. The expedition website simplifies access by making all documents readily available in one place. In addition, if students miss sessions, for any reason, they have the comfort that they can access materials posted on the website so they do not fall behind. This ensures equity and allows students to access the tools they need to be the best version of themselves. 

Also, websites can be used by future staff teams to support the delivery of repeat expeditions or similar iterations of an expedition. 

As well as being a central place for learning resources the website acts as a conduit for sharing and celebrating student work. The Product page allows staff and students to share models of excellence for critique whilst the Beautiful Work page celebrates and collates the children's work. 

Our sites highlight and celebrate how we are actively contributing to building a better world.