
As a recovering Virgo perfectionist, Improv has greatly improved my life as a leader, public speaker, and workshop facilitator. While I don't teach improv, I want to provide reasons why it promotes mental health, social well being, and interconnectedness in today's internet driven isolated world.

When you meet me, you'll see how improv values inform all my actions.

Reason # 1

Learning to show up for everyone (including you).

Reason # 2

Laughing at the hiccups (in life & in the moment).

Reason # 3

Inventing something new.

Reason # 4

Adult spaces and scenarios become playful and breathable.

Reason # 5

Public speaking is less harrowing.

Reason # 6

Sometimes a workout and sometimes a release.


Check the Resources page for information about Vegas Improv Power. My favorite place to learn Improv!