Our Mission

Mission Statement

The Preschool Assessment and Educational Team’s mission is to offer an inclusive early childhood program and educationally relevant services to all preschool children enrolled in the program. Services provided will nurture and educate children in a warm and safe school environment. We provide a continuum of individualized services including educational resources and programming, parent support and transition services in the least restrictive environment. Our goal for each educational placement is to provide a developmentally appropriate and a supportive environment to promote/stimulate each child’s social/emotional, physical, cognitive and language development. The environment and curriculum are based on research and the developmentally appropriate practice guidelines set by the National Association for the Education of Young Children and the California Preschool Learning Foundations. We offer ideal student to teacher ratios which enables our educators to have a direct impact on each child’s growth and development during their preschool years.

Developmentally appropriate is an approach to teaching grounded in the research on how young children develop and learn and in what is known about effective early education. Its framework is designed to promote young children’s optimal learning and development involving teachers meeting young children where they are (by stage of development), both as individuals and as part of a group; and helping each child meet challenging and achievable learning goals. (NAEYC ~ National Association for the Education of Young Children)

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) is the requirement in federal law that students with disabilities receive their education, to the maximum extent appropriate, with non-disabled peers and that special education students are not removed from regular classes unless, even with supplemental aids and services, education in regular classes cannot be achieved satisfactorily. [20 United States Code (U.S.C.) Sec. 1412(a)(5)(A); 34 Code of Federal Regulations (C.F.R.) Sec. 300.114.]

Individualized is to adapt to the needs or special circumstances of an individual.