Health Policy

IPAL Preschool at Harvest Park Health Policy

For the safety and protection of all, we ask that you not to send your child to school with any of the following symptoms:

  1. Common Cold: Keep home during a period of productive cough and yellow or green nasal discharge.

  2. Fever (over 100 Degrees): Please keep your child home from school, and student has to be symptom free 24 hours before returning to school.

  3. Pink Eye or Conjunctivitis: Eyes that are red, swollen, crusting or draining. Child will be excluded from school until symptom free.

  4. Ear: Earaches or draining ears.

  5. Diarrhea or Vomiting within the last 24 hours.

  6. Sore Throat : Strep infection or Croupy Cough.

  7. Skin Rashes: rash with a fever or behavior change, until the child’s physician has determined that the illness is a non-communicable disease.

  8. Head Lice or Nits: Your child may attend school with evidence of treatment. Parents will need to continue a second treatment in 7-10 days.

Parents will be notified of any exposure to communicable diseases. Information will be posted in the classroom including symptoms, incubation period, control methods, and when the child can return.

If the child is at school with any of the above, the parent/guardian will be called to pick up the child. The students have to be symptom free and clear for 24 hours without any medication before returning to school. Under certain circumstances, a parent may be asked to consult a physician and provide a written note indicating that the child may return to school.