Non-PUSD Courses

Helpful Information About Out-of-District Courses


 At Hart, we get a lot of questions around taking out-of-district courses before high school. Here is what the colleges are recommending:

Courses Taken in Middle School: A-G courses taken prior to 9th grade (including the summer after 8th grade) in subject areas other than Math (area C) and Language Other than English (area E), WILL NOT COUNT for graduation or for college eligibility and the course(s) will need to be repeated during high school in order to remain UC/CSU eligible and remain on track for graduation. For example, courses taken in History (area A), English (area B), Science (area D), Visual & Performing Arts (area F), and College Prep Electives (area G), prior to 9th grade will not count for college eligibility. 

Direct quote from the UC:  "Students need to complete A-G courses in high school, not middle school. The only exceptions are for high school-level math and LOTE courses, and that’s primarily because they can be validated by higher level coursework completed in high school. No other subject areas can be validated."

  If you decide to take an out-of-district course, here are some important links:

    Out-of-District Courses & Your GPA webinar

    How to research and verify non-PUSD courses 

    Middle School FAQs for High School    English            Spanish             Chinese             Korean