Yearbook and Web Design

This combined course is for students who want to learn how to create webpages and help with yearbook creation. Students learn how to use HTML code or create websites and basic design features of websites. Students will also use web design software to create pages for the high school webpage. Additionally, students will be responsible for the production, publication, and marketing of the school yearbook. 

Course Competencies

-Understand design techniques for a double page spread print publication

-Proficiently use Jostens Yearbook Avenue to digitally create yearbook pages

-Apply basic photograph techniques while capturing the memories and moments of the Pittsville High School school year

-Create and design effective webpages on various clubs, sports, departments, and events for the school

-Create digital slideshow for graduation

-Learn reporting and journalistic strategies to create write ups for social media, YB pages, and school webpages

-Actively market the yearbook to promote sales and gain sponsorhsips


Standard: BIT.DGC1: Students will create print-quality publications for intended audiences or purposes through the use of advanced layout, design and graphics production software and hardware.

Standard: BIT.DGC4: Students will create digital images for use in publications, websites, digital slide shows and videos.

Standard: BIT.DGC2: Students will design and publish effective web pages and websites.

Standard: BIT.DGC3: Students will produce media-rich presentations to meet need of audience.

Standard: BIT.MK1: Students will analyze the elements of the marketing mix, the interrelationships and how they affect sales and business processes.