Desktop Publishing

Gain readily marketable skills to enhance your employability while learning the specifics of Microsoft Publisher. Projects include creating magazine covers, booklets, flyers, brochures, business cards, menus, and more! You will be able to understand the elements of design and apply them to any interest in marketing or graphic design.

Course Competencies

DGC1.a: Use desktop publishing software to produce a variety of publications (i.e., flyers, newsletters, brochures, instructional manuals).

DGC1.b: Apply elements of design (contrast, repetition, alignment, proximity) when creating publications.

DGC3.c: Design and produce media-rich presentations.

DGC3.a: Capture an audio sequence on a digital device.

DGC4.a: Prepare images for use in a variety of media.

DGC4.b: Capture images using a digital device.


Standard: BIT.DGC1: Students will create print-quality publications for intended audiences or purposes through the use of advanced layout, design and graphics production software and hardware

Standard: BIT.DGC3: Students will produce media-rich presentations to meet need of audience.

Standard: BIT.DGC4: Students will create digital images for use in publications, websites, digital slide shows and videos.