GPA & Grade Resources

Final Grade Estimator

You can use this tool to estimate your final grade (F1) for a course you are currently taking. Simply enter in the values from Powerschool into the following linked document (you will save your own copy of the document before entering data): 

The document is based on the following equation:

(Q1 x 0.40) + (Q2 x 0.40) + (Final Exam Grade x 0.20) = F1

You can do the same calculation for a spring semester course by inserting your Q3 and Q4 grades (or estimates) in place of Q1 and Q2.

You need a 60 or higher to pass a course and earn a credit on your transcript towards high school graduation.

Strategies to Improve your GPA

GPA is calculated from the Final Grade (F1 in Powerschool) in each course you have completed. Numeric averages translate into letter grades according to the scale below. Each letter grade in a course adds Quality Points into your GPA.

90-100 A = 4.0 quality points

80-89 B = 3.0 quality points

70-79 C = 2.0 quality points

60-69 D = 1.0 quality points

<60 F = 0 points

GPA is calculated by adding up the quality points for each course you have completed and dividing by the total number of courses. 

If you are trying to improve your GPA:

Impact of a Zero - from SOAR Study Skills 

By Susan Kruger Winter, M.Ed. | Feb 6, 2022

Have you ever thought about the impact of a zero? Probably not. Well, this week Brian put together a video to explain how one or two missing assignments can have a devastating impact on your grade. If you’ve never thought about the impact that a zero can have, you need to watch this video!