EHUE Library FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

When do I have library class?

Check the library calendar on the library homepage to see when your next class visit is scheduled.

How can I visit the library if my class isn't scheduled?

You can visit our library independently to: 

Here's what you need to do:

How many books can I check out?

If you need to check out more than than that please ask Mrs. Shenefiel.

How long can I keep my books?

You can keep your books for 10 school days- which usually ends up being two weeks from the day you check it out.

If we have a day off of school you get bonus days! 📆

What happens if I don't return my books on time?

You go the the library dungeon!! (Just kidding!) 😀

If you keep your books too long, just return them as soon as you can.  You do not have to pay a fine for overdue books.

What happens if I lose my book?

If you lose your book, please let Mrs. Shenefiel or Mrs. Graham know as soon as possible.  We will do any thing we can to help you find your book.

If we can't find it the book will be marked as lost and at the end of the school year your parent or guardian may be asked to pay for the lost book.

What happens when I find a book that I thought was lost?

Just return the book to the library as soon as you can! The book will be checked in and your library record will be cleared. If the book had been paid for we will refund the cost if it has been less than a calendar year.

What happens if my books gets damaged?

If your book get damaged, please bring it to the library immediately! 

If we can fix the book we will.  If a book is too damaged your parent or guardian may have to pay for the book or purchase a replacement copy.

Can I renew my books?

Yes! You can renew your book for yourself one time as long as it's not overdue and no one else has a hold on it..  If your book is overdue, or if you have already renewed it once, please bring your book to the library to renew it.  

How do I return my books?

Place them in the black bin outside of the library and we will check them in.  

How do I know when my books are due?

You can login to Destiny to check your library record.  This will tell you what you have out, when it's due and if you own any money for lost or damaged books. 

Does our library have ebooks or audio books?

Yes! We have thousands!  MackinVia is where you can find our ebooks and audiobooks.  You can also search for them in Destiny and click the link to open them. You can find the link for MackinVIa on the library homepage

How do I find books in EHUE library?

We use Destiny Discover to keep track of all of the things in our library. You can find the link to Destiny on or on the library homepage.

Can I donate a book to the library?


If you are considering donating a book to the library please email or call Mrs. Shenefiel. Each book is considered on an individual basis.  

We MAY accept:

We will NOT accept: