
  • Decide what you want to know:

    • An essential question will guide your research (it's the "big" question.)

    • Make a list of "right there" questions that you have about the topic you will be studying. These are smaller questions that help you answer your essential question,

Wonder Intro

Essential Questions

Essential questions help you focus your research so that you can make sense of the information that you find.

  • Be research-able

  • Be complex

  • Connect a main topic to a sub topic.

  • Allow you to learn something new.

  • Have a best answer rather than an obvious correct answer.

  • Can't be answered with a simple Google search

Goldilocks EQs:

  • Not be too broad or too narrow

  • Not too hard or too easy

  • Not be too disturbing

EQs usually start with certain question word that serve a specific purpose

Right-There Questions

Right-there questions are the questions that you need to answer in order to find the best answer to your essential question.

RTQ Presentation
  • The answers to these questions become the evidence that you use to answer your essential question.

  • They usually have a correct answer

RTQs usually start with words like:

    • Who...?

    • What...?

    • When...?

    • Where...?

    • How questions that measure where the answer will be a number (i.e. How much...? How far...? How heavy...?)

    • Questions words where there is a yes or no answer (i.e. Do...? Are...? Is...? Did... ?)