ST 1.7

Self-Assessment Rating: 3

STEM educators collaborate as an interdisciplinary team to plan, implement, and improve STEM learning experiences.

Pinecrest Academy St. Rose teachers participate on how to introduce the STEM Units within our instruction, implementing best practices to allow maximum student engagement and collaboration, and adhering to scheduling needs and flexibility. Throughout the year, grade level teams frequently review the curriculum to discuss integrating STEM units within our instruction. Each grade level team designs a real world problem derived from the curriculum and brainstorm possible student ideas and materials needed to engineer a solution. The team collaborates on how to integrate multiple subjects into the STEM unit, including reading, writing, and social studies. The team pulls supplemental materials and activities within other subjects that align to the STEM unit to further the students’ depth of knowledge. The team regularly meets to discuss how the units are progressing, the variations in student product, and how to grade appropriately across subjects.

Tortoise Habitat

Governer's Office of Science, Innovation and Technology

STEM Leaders Academy

In the 2018-2019 School Year, Pinecrest Academy of Nevada was fortunate to attend The STEM Leaders Academy.

Program Overview: The Governor’s Office of Science, Innovation and Technology invites school teams to participate in a year-long cohort with the goal of increasing equity and broadening participation in STEM amongst underrepresented groups; increasing students’ interest, achievement, and awareness of STEM and STEM careers; and growing teacher and administrator capacity in creating a high-quality STEM learning environment. Teams of teachers and administrators will come together over the course of the school year and receive professional development and strategic planning assistance. Schools will leave with a clear definition of STEM education and a strategic plan for improving STEM education at their sites. Additionally, schools that participate in the academy will have experience with the Governor’s STEM designation application process and rubric, and will have the opportunity to apply for an OSIT grant up to $20,000 to support implementation of their strategic plans.

During this Academy, we worked with our sister campuses to come up with a strategic plan for how we will strengthen our STEM Program over the next several years. The Governor’s Office of Science, Innovation and Technology visited our campus and reviewed our strategic plan. We were one of ten schools awarded the Governor's STEM Designation.

Pinecrest Academy May 3rd Presentation

Areas to Improve

  • Implementing steps in OSIT STEM Strategic Plan.

    • Meeting most OSIT goals that were targeted for implementation years 3-4 within year 1.

  • Building additional community partners for additional extended day and family engagement opportunities.

    • Added community partners Sapience, Fusion Sports League , and the Coder School providing camps and club opportunities for students.