

Course#0337 in Penn Program of Studies

Semesters: 2 Credits: 2 Grade Level: 10-12 Weight: 4.0 DOE# 1086 Counts as Fine Arts credits for Academic Honors diploma

Course Description: As written by my predecessor, Ms. Kayla Pfrenier, "this course emphasizes creative and informative writing as well as magazine design techniques. The yearbook class is responsible for the entire production of the school yearbook- a full 300 pages. The course heavily focuses on writing, online page design, business communication, and photography. Students must be able to self-discipline and attend events such as plays, concerts, dances, athletic events, and academic events. Each student will have their own individual responsibilities; evaluation will be based upon completion of these responsibilities. In order to meet deadlines, some work for select students will continue past the end of the school year by a handful of weeks. Students signing up for this course must also be aware that leaving this course will require a lengthy and strenuous process, so full-year commitment is essential. Students will also need to sell advertising space as a part of the curriculum. This course can be taken multiple times."

2021-2022 Buy-Your-Yearbook-Today-QR.pdf

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Calling all Parents!

It's easy to place a personal message in the 2023 yearbook.

Writers, photographers, and page designers have been crafting the Penn Bittersweet Yearbook since September. Many spreads have been completed, and many are currently in process. Here is the stylesheet they are following for the 2021-2022 Yearbook.

Since 1958, the staff of the Bittersweet Yearbook has published an edition. The current team, working on this year's volume (number 63), has looked over many editions from the past sixty years, including the very first one! They have keenly observed the tradition, discussed design, considered style, and established a theme for this year.

The theme of this year's yearbook celebrates Penn High School's return to the classroom. The COVID-19 pandemic scattered teachers and students to their homes and virtual learning. So many events and activities went by the wayside. This year's yearbook aims to put that year behind us, look closely at the current year, and celebrate all that we get to do together.

Please support student journalism and publishing by buying this year's yearbook. It is on sale now at If you are a parent, and you wish put a "shout-out" in print, you can do that for just $35. The Penn Bittersweet Yearbook staff invites all family members to celebrate the class of 2022.