Mindful Moments

What is Mindfulness?

Daily Mindful Moments

Activities for you to try at home to increase the power of your brain and help you reduce stress, anxiety, and increase relaxtion! Click on any of the pictures below for more information on how you can try each activity for yourself!

Can Vs Cannot Control

  1. Take a look at the picture

  2. Read the items on the outside of the circle under “cannot control” visualize them flying away OR write them down on a piece of paper, crinkle it up, and throw it away.

  3. Read the items inside the circle under “can control” - visualize them planting roots inside your brain OR write them down in pen, so that they’re permanent.

  4. Whenever you feel out of control, return to this exercise to remind yourself what you can control and what is not worth worrying over!

54321 Grounding

  1. Find a comfy place to sit

  2. Slowly look around you and notice 5 things that you can see

  3. Close your eyes, notice 4 things that you can feel

  4. Notice 3 things that you can hear

  5. Notice 2 things that you can smell

  6. Notice 1 thing that you can taste

  7. Take a few really deep breaths, open your eyes and return to your day

Mindful Morning

  1. Make yourself a cup of your favorite morning beverage

  2. Find a comfy spot to sit and enjoy your drink

  3. Take a moment to notice how the drink smells. Is it warm in your hands? Do you hear bubbles popping?

  4. As you sip on your drink, notice how it feels in your mouth and on your tongue. Where do you taste it?

  5. Enjoy your drink mindfully before moving on with the day.

Body Scan

Follow along with this YouTube video to learn how to do a body scan exercise!


Deep Breathing

This one is pretty simple!

  1. Find a comfy spot to sit

  2. Close your eyes

  3. Place your hands on your stomach

  4. Take a deep breath in through your nose. Really fill up your lungs!

  5. Slowly breathe out through your mouth

Do a Hook Up

A "hook up" is an exercise that we can do to help ground ourselves and engage both sides of our brain. When we do exercises like this it helps increase our productivity and creativity as well as helping us relax!

  1. Check out this video on how to do a hook up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOMHz-HS4yY&list=PLJdq3OzEoR1iygD0ReUDwOh7Pmn42TcKN&index=7

  2. Hold the position for a little while. While you're there take some deep breathes and notice how your body feels.

  3. Scan from your head to your toes, recognizing how the different parts of your body feel.

  4. Un-hook yourself, take a deep breath, and you're done!

Get outside

When the weather is nice - take your daily mindful moment outside!

  1. Sit on your front step, driveway, back porch, wherever you are comfortable

  2. With your eyes open, take a few deep breaths

  3. Notice what's happening around you

  4. What can you hear?

  5. What do you see?

  6. How does the sun feel on your skin?

  7. If you feel your mind wandering - draw it back in using your sense and noticing the nature around you.

  8. Stay out there for as long as you like!

Square Breathing

As you do this exercise imagine that you are moving a ball around a square. Each step moves the ball around a different side.

  1. Inhale for 4 seconds

  2. Hold the breath for 4 seconds

  3. Exhale for 4 seconds

  4. Rest for 4 seconds

  5. Repeat 3-5 times

Reach out to Someone!

Think of someone you love and appreciate - reach out to them! Write them a letter, FaceTime them, send them a text, call them on the phone, whatever! Just reach out and let them know how much they mean to you.