
Your portfolio is the place where you organize and keep all your important information about yourself. When applying for a job or going for college or scholarship interviews, your portfolio can be a very useful tool. It is important to illustrate your accomplishments and that it has a professional appearance.

You should consider your portfolio as an important part of your college or scholarship interview. As such, it must be professional and reflect time and effort. This is also needed for Naviance.

Requirements- Hard Copy

      • Binder with plastic cover

      • Cover sheet

      • Sheet Protectors

      • Pictures with Captions

      • Dividers for Sections (e.g. tabs, colored sheets, colored print)

Requirements- Electronic Copy - could be a PowerPoint, Website, etc.


      • Page 1: Your resume- 1 page in length (important courses you have taken can be on second page

      • Page 2: Table of Contents- At minimum a listing

      • Academics

          1. Scores, PSAT scores, AP scores

          2. Final Report Cards

          3. Awards, Certificates, Congratulatory Letters, etc.

      • Letters of Recommendation (can be from school, community, or work related) If letters are not available, include a list of references

      • Listing of colleges (minimum of 5) to which you are applying- Include the following for each college: Location, Size, Average SAT and/or ACT scores, Majors offered that are of interest to you, and other pertinent information

      • Extra-Curricular Activities

          1. Awards, letters, programs, pictures, newspaper articles, etc.

          2. Examples- School Activities, Other (Boys or Girl Scouts, Boys or Girls Club, musical theatre, etc), and Community Service

          3. Must have at least one of the following for each activity: descriptions, certificates, letters of recognition, pictures, etc.

          4. *Include a paragraph describing your role in the function of the organization. Be sure to explain the purpose of the club and/or activities held during the year(s) you participated in the organization.

      • Special Interests (optional)

          1. Athletics- can be a separate section or can be listed under Extra-Curricular

          2. Section illustrating something you are active in, such as scouting, theater, music, coaching, etc.

          3. This can be an expansion of something your listed under Extra-Curricular

          4. Other of your choice

      • Research Practicum

          1. Summer activities: Summary of what accomplished during the summer. Including any Forestry or WISP Training, and meetings with mentors, phone calls made, e-mails sent, proposals that were approved, etc.

          2. Include summary of your logbook, listing dates and activities/accomplishments. (These entries may be listed in table format)

          3. DURING THE YEAR you will add approved proposals, revised chapters, and anything related to your research.