RP Category Selection

1. Biological Sciences Major - RP Biology

  • Research area must be in a Biology area (e.g. behavioral science, botany, environmental science, medicine & health, microbiology, zoology, forensics, etc)

  • Requirement: AP Biology and AP Chemistry plus at least one of the following: Microbiology-Anatomy/Physiology, Forensics Science 1 and 2, AP Environmental Science, Genetics, Organic Chemistry

2. Computer Sciences Major - RP Physical Science

  • Research area must be in a Computer Science-related area (e.g. chemistry, physics, astronomy, math, engineering, computer science, etc.)

  • Requirement: AP Chemistry and AP Physics C, plus at least one of the following: Organic Chemistry, Intro Computer Science, AP Computer Science, Systems S/T Course

3. Engineering Major - RP Engineering

  • Research area must be in an engineering area

  • Project: Could be developed as a scientific experiment with a hypothesis or as a “design and development” project

  • Requirement: One of the following systems classes: Energy, Electronics, Productions, AND either AP Chemistry or AP Physics C

4. Science-Engineering Exploration Major

  • Research area is dependent upon Advanced Science/Tech Courses taken in grades 10-12

  • Biology project: Requirement is AP Biology

  • Engineering type project: Requirement is systems class or AP Physics C

  • Physics project: Requirement is AP Physics C

  • Computer Science Project: Requirement is AP Computer Science C and previous computer science course or proof of mastery of a computer programming language

  • Chemistry Project: Requirement is AP Chemistry; Organic Chemistry is highly recommended

Special Programs

1. Internship

  • Applications due in early December; Panel will meet in December

  • Dr. Twu will notify students of acceptance decision.

  • Students are on site a minimum of 2 hours 45 minutes each day (Tuesdays- Fridays)

  • Students meet with their RP Teacher and Internship Coordinator or Mondays

  • There are two sections for Internship:

1. AM – Classes are scheduled Periods 5-8

2. PM – Classes are scheduled Periods 1-4


  • Application process coordinated by Dr. Peters-Smith

  • Environmental Study based on water testing

  • Students work in groups and select various sites to use for research

  • Training is conducted in May or June

  • Student must conduct research over the summer and continue collecting data during the school year

3. Forestry, Salamander, and Butterfly Projects

  • Selection process coordinated through Mr. Stagg

  • Students work in groups

  • Training in May and/or June

  • Forestry students must collect over 100% of the data during the summer

  • Butterflies students must collect most of the data during the summer

  • Salamander students collect data August to November