Values of being in IB

(Responses From Our Students)

What Is/Has Been the Greatest Benefits of Being In the Program?

  • The program has taught me how to better manage my time. How to make connections amongst classmates and teachers and I believe it has given me some sort of an upper hand in preparation for college.

  • Testing my academic limits and being aware of my capacity and what I should work on.

  • The greatest benefit I would say I got from the program, is that I can strive and I can do honestly whatever I set my mind completely to. Just the fact that I didn't drop out of the program and I submitted every assignment, they weren't all the best but now I know and I learned that if I am more focused and goal-oriented then I can achieve greater things.

  • The GPA boost and the friends I gained over time made the program worth it.

  • Learning time management and forming long lasting connections with classmates and teachers.

What Would You Consider the Most Valuable Aspects of the Program?

  • Learning to think deeper about things, becoming a global thinker, and learning to manage a well rounded schedule.

  • The most valuable aspects of the program are the lessons you learn overtime, not just about yourself but about others too. It makes you realize how there is so much in the world that we don't know about and opens your eyes to reality.

  • The most valuable aspect of the program is learning that there is more to being a good student than just academics; it also consists of volunteering and personal growth in new areas.

  • Being able to transfer credits to college.

  • Learning how to write an extended paper without falling off topic.

  • The rigor of the work is the most valuable aspect as it better prepares you for college.

If You Could Choose One IB Learner Profile Trait That You Have Grown to Become the Most, Which Would It Be and Why?

  • I have grown to become more open-minded because of the courses I’ve taken that challenged my beliefs; such as TOK and the readings done in World Literature. I have learned to consider other perspectives even if I don’t agree with them and learn not to just dismiss them because they don’t adhere to my beliefs.

  • Risk-taker! I have spent the first half of my high school career shying away from any challenges or risks that might have made me feel uncomfortable or affected me in a bad way. But I realized that I couldn’t grow unless I pushed myself to try new things.

  • The one that reflects my growth the most is Inquirer. I think that being in IB definitely forced me to question things more often and to be hungry for more knowledge especially Philosophy, which just taught me to question everything, such as institutions and beliefs.

  • Communicator because before I wasn't the type of person to speak up for myself but the IB program has helped me gain confidence over the years.

  • I feel like I have grown to fit the thinker aspect of the IB learner profile the most because I noticed that the way I approach situations has changed, and I catch myself analyzing and assessing different outcomes more than I would have before joining the program.