
Welcome to IB Biology!

Meet your teacher and your course.

Michele Siebert

Biologists investigate the living world at all levels using many different approaches and techniques.

via International Baccalaureate®

"Science leads to knowledge and discovery without it we could not exist as an advanced species on this earth. It allows errors and mistakes without penalty, this is how we learn and grow as students."

-Michele Siebert

Important Resources


Subject Guide

The "Biology guide" contains information on your IA which is generally a lab/experiment similar to STEM Fair. It also contains information on your Exam (EA) as well as other useful information like topics covered throughout the year.

IB 12th Syllabus 21_22.pdf


The Syllabus contains essential information for your class, including emails, times, books, room numbers as well as grading policies, and topics covered throughout the year.

IA Rubric

This collection of photos is the rubric for the IA. It contains what you want to be aiming for and exceed in your project.