CPA/VPA Programs

Creative and Performing Arts/Visual and Performing Arts

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CPA and VPA Programs are designed to develop the interests and talents of students in the arts and enhance the academic discipline through an interdisciplinary approach. This interdisciplinary approach stresses creativity, artistic expression, self-discipline, critical thinking skills, and an appreciation for cultural diversity. 

Creative and Performing Arts Program

Benjamin Foulois MIOSM Festival

The Creative and Performing Arts (CPA) Program Features: 

School Locations:

Hyattsville Middle School (North County within a specific boundary, Grades 6-8)

Thomas Pullen Creative and Performing Arts Academy (Central County, Grades K-8)

Benjamin Foulois Creative and Performing Arts Academy (South County, Grades K-8)

Visual and Performing Arts Program

NHS Clarinet Ens. - PGCPS Chamber Music Festival.mp4

The Visual and Performing Arts (VPA) Program Features:

School Locations:

The Jim Henson Academy For The Visual and Performing Arts at Northwestern High School (North County, Grades 9-12)

The Center for Visual and Performing Arts at Suitland High School (South County, Grades 9-12)