Student Council

Middle School Student Council provides leadership opportunities for interested students. Student Council members represent middle school students. Members respond to student issues and create student activities that promote enthusiasm and school spirit, building a community where each member and their constituents are valued and respected. Student Council members work with students, faculty, staff, parents, and administrators to make things happen in a timely manner. 


Our Canvas page is where you can find the most update information for current members. If you're interested in joining Student Council, look over and complete the information below:

Interested in Joining Student Council!?

Dear 6th, 7th and 8th grade students,

We are so excited that you are interested in joining Student Council during this school year! Student Council is an important part of our school. All members play a role in helping with fundraisers, food drives, activities, virtual opportunities, possible conferences, toy drives, service projects and are expected to attend meetings. This is a year-long commitment. This is a great way to be more active in your school and to get ready for high school and beyond. 

Bimonthly meetings will occur after school this year, if you are unable to attend you need to reach out to your grade level advisor. You will need to ensure you have a way to get home after these meetings. Members will be responsible for tracking their activities and volunteering hours by submitting a Google Form after each activity is completed. To be a member in Student Council, you must demonstrate leadership skills, keep up with your school work and consistently hold yourself to high expectations. You must also be an active participant within Student Council and we monitor this through the tracking document. 

Joining Student Council is a commitment. The work is important and you must carry through with all of your responsibilities. This is a good experience to prepare you for a job in the future. If you decide that you no longer want to be a part of Student Council during the 2023-2024 school year, you will need to let us know.

**To help ensure that you are truly committed to being in Student Council during the 2023-2024 school year, please fill out THIS SELF EVALUATION. You will need to submit the form by Friday, September, 29th. We will be accepting members that demonstrate punctuality, respect, effort, and honesty on a consistent basis. 

Thank you and please let us know if you have any questions!

Mrs. Kay, Mrs. Weiss & Mrs. Mente

Mrs. Kay- 6th Grade 

Mrs. Weiss- 7th Grade

Mrs. Mente- 8th Grade