Petchey News

Dear Parents and Carers,

I hope you and your families are all keeping well. Well done for making it through another week of lockdown! The weather hasn't been kind to us this week, but I do hope that students have been able to get outdoors each day for some fresh air and exercise, both of which are vital for supporting health and wellbeing, particularly whilst we are in lockdown.

Yesterday we kicked off the first of our online drop ins of 2021 on supporting your teenager's mental health and wellbeing with Rose and Dorota. You can listen to the session again, and view the slides on our Student Wellbeing Hub here. We had some really interesting discussions about the challenges that the lockdown is presenting to us all, and the team shared some really useful ideas and resources to help families with the stresses of being in lockdown with teenagers. You can also find lots more ideas for keeping teenagers busy further down this newsletter.

Just a reminder that students should be doing 3-5 hours of work each day in order to keep up with their education. We are required to provide students with remote education equivalent in length to the lessons that students would receive in school. This will include a mix of both recorded and live direct teaching time, plus time for pupils to complete tasks and assignments independently.

In case you missed it, our remote learning timetable is here.

How to access student emails remotely - guide for parents, carers and students.

Warm regards

Clare Borrill

Screen time - should I be worried?

Lockdown would be even worse without digital technology. At the moment, children are constantly on their screens for school work, fun, and talking to their friends. Use of social media platforms such as TikTok has soared. Should we be worried about the extra hours children are spending online in lockdown?

Easyfundraising is just that - any easy, and FREE way to raise funds for the academy so please do bear this in mind when you're online shopping.