Exceptional Children's Services


Exceptional Children’s Program services are available to all students who have been identified as having a disability according to state and federal guidelines. A continuum of services is offered. Services provided to the students are decided on an individual basis by the IEP team. An Individual Education Plan (IEP) is written annually for identified students with input from the student, parents, and teachers. Modifications, accommodations, and strategies to meet the educational needs of an identified student are outlined in this plan.

Special Education services are provided to an identified student from the following continuum:


This course of study has an emphasis on preparing students for independent living and competitive employment. Eligibility for participation in the Occupational Course of Study is determined by the IEP team, which includes school personnel, the student, and parents.

Classes - Number of credits required

Additional requirements:

***Students who meet the course and attendance requirements but do not meet the school-based training, community-based training, &/or competitive employment hours will receive a Certificate of Attendance rather than a Diploma.

OCS Elective Course Descriptions

BLENDED ENGLISH OCS English I, II, III, and IV: These courses will establish a basic knowledge of basic reading skills and basic writing skills to include but not limited to the following: reading comprehension, grammar, punctuation, figurative language, and World/American Literature. Students have the opportunity to increase their vocabulary and learn how to apply literary devices in the real world. 

BLENDED MATH OCS Intro to Math I, OCS NC Math 1 Part 1 and NC Math 1, OCS Financial Management: These courses will establish a basic knowledge of Algebra and Geometry. The NC Math course will be a two-semester course. The Financial Management Course will deal with bank accounts, budgets, and consumer math. 

BLENDED SCIENCE OCS Applied Science, OCS Biology: These courses are designed to develop basic, functional knowledge in the fields of physical and biological sciences. Students have the opportunity to apply the science-based concepts to daily living situations in the home, community, and workplace.

BLENDED HISTORY  (American History I and II): These courses are designed to provide the student with the basic economic, government, and political knowledge they need to become a responsible citizen and consumer. Concepts and skills related to self-advocacy and self-determination which are essential for achieving independence are taught. The OCS American History I course is strategically aligned with the  North Carolina Essential Standards for American History I. The course follows the Founding Principles Act and begins with the  European  Exploration and Colonization of the New World and follows chronologically through Post-Civil War Reconstruction. The OCS American History II is a sequel to OCS American History I. The course follows the Founding Principles Act and begins with the 19th century American History to the 21st century. Students will learn about the important political, social, and economic factors that transformed the ethnic composition of America and America’s dependence on evolving technologies. 

EMPLOYMENT PREPARATION I, II, III, IV: These courses are designed to develop the fundamental attitude, behaviors, and habits needed to obtain and maintain employment in their career choice. Students participate in school and community-based learning activities including work ethic development, job-seeking skills,  decision-making skills,  and self-management. Completion of the required school-based and community-based training hours is emphasized in these classes.