Special Education

Welcome to Special Education at Perry Local Schools!

We passionately believe...

All students can learn.

Collaboration among parents and educators is essential to student success.

When high expectations are set, our students will meet them.

Students with disabilities will be educated in their least restrictive environment along a continuum of services.

Students with disabilities require intervention, specially designed instruction, and core content instruction in order to demonstrate growth and to close the achievement gap.

Professional development is crucial in order for our staff to stay current with state/local initiatives and instructional practices/strategies necessary to maximize student learning.

We welcome your partnership! Please contact us anytime!

Rebekah H. Silla, Ed.S. Katy Parnacott

Director of Pupil Services Special Education Coordinator

Rebekah.Silla@perrylocal.org Katy.Parnacott@perrylocal.org

330.478.6187 330.477.8121 ext. 1026

Molly Horst Jack Everetts

Administrative Assistant Transition Coordinator

Molly.Horst@perrylocal.org Jack.Everetts@perrylocal.org

330.478.6187 330.477.8121 ext. 2168