
civHRSsyllabus 2018-19.doc

Google Classroom Joincode:

  • 92yij3

9/24-begin brainstorming your Declaration of Independence essay. Bring notes to class on Wednesday.

Begin researching town meeting times and dates.

Read ch 2 section 3 and do the vocab. (questions 2 and 3)


9/20-Read the Declaration of Independence on page 770 of your book. Be prepared to do work associated with it on Monday


9/18-Complete the worksheet(list of events leading to the revolution) handed out in class today. Have a date and 1-2 sentence description for each event, and put them in order.

Find an article( in a newspaper) on the Supreme Court Nomination or the upcoming election. Read the article and complete the document attached on the google classroom page. Please print out the article and bring it in as well!


9/14-Study for the great documents quiz


9/12-Read ch 2 and do the vocab.

Work on your group's Great Document questions(see google classroom-not due at the beginning of class-just make progress).


9/10-Study for the full ch 1 quiz Wednesday

Read ch 2 section 1 and do the vocab


9/6-Study for quiz on Ch 1 features, origins, and purposes of states.


9/4-Read chapter 1 sections 1, 2, and 3 and do vocab for all sections. Cover book and get syllabus signed.