Need a Good Book?

Source: Kaitlin Torp

Your first stop should be the PHS library to ask Ms. Torp for recommendations! She always has great reads displayed by the front door of the library.

The Field Library has a Goodreads account solely devoted to books of interest to teens. Check to find reviews from fellow teens in Peekskill.

Or, try Guys Read , which focuses on books for dudes.

The Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh has an extensive teen book recommendation section which even Ms. Torp uses at times in order to find a good book to read.

teenreads updates pretty regularly with recommendations for the newest books.

The Public Library of Cincinnati has a fantastic Teen Space, much like the Carnegie Library.

On Teen Ink you can read books and magazines written by other teens.

Feeling high-brow? How about checking out the New York Times book review section?

And speaking of New York, the New York Public Library also has a teen space with good recommendations called Stuff for the Teen Age.