Media Literacy

What is fake news?

Sources that intentionally fabricate information, disseminate deceptive content, or grossly distort actual news reports.

Fabricate: To invent or falsely create

Disseminate: To spread widely

Deceptive: Giving an appearance or impression different from the true one; misleading

Grossly: Extremely; excessively

Distort: To give a false account of

Soruce: IFLA

Interactive Media Bias Chart

"This Interactive Media Bias Chart® is a data visualization that displays measures of news (and “news-like”) articles and sources generated by analysts and staff of Ad Fontes Media. It reflects our most up-to-date ratings of all our rated articles and shows over time."

Website Evaluation Guide

Website Evaluation Tools

EasyBib's Website Evaluation Guide

Enter the URL of a website into the search bar and the program will take you through the evaluation of the website step by step.


SPAT stands for Site, Publisher, Audience, and Timeliness. It's another way for you to remember what to check for when you are deciding how to use the information presented on a website.