STARS/Nova Conference Documents

Sessions from Wednesday August 9, 2023

RISE NM: A New Cross-Agency Statewide Data System for New Mexico

(9:00 AM - 9:50 AM)

The Research Informing Success in Education New Mexico (RISE NM) project is a statewide longitudinal data system built in partnership with five partner agencies to link P20W data from 10 unique data source systems. As the first cloud-native statewide longitudinal data system in the country, RISE NM is designed to identify trends, inform policy and programmatic decisions, and drive improvements in the educational and employment outcomes of New Mexicans.

By: Cabinet Secretary Stephanie M. Rodriguez 

New Mexico Higher Education Department  - Cabinet Secretary, 

 Joseph Leakakos, 

New Mexico Higher Education Department  - RISE NM Project Lead, &

Kathryn Zenoni,  

New Mexico Higher Education Department  - RISE NM Project Lead

9 AM RISE NM: A New Cross-Agency Statewide Data System for New Mexico.mp4

STARS vs Nova: What has changed?

(9:00 AM - 9:50 AM)

STARS and Nova have similar words and tools. We want to help determine the differences between both systems to try and help you transition to the Nova system a bit easier.

By: Johnathon Garcia

Data Warehouse Support Engineer

Problem Solving Strategies for Ed-Fi and NOVA

(9:00 AM - 9:50 AM)

NOVA offers a streamlined and more secure way to submit data to the PED, but it introduces a new technology that has its own quirks and content to get to know and adjust to.  In this session, you will learn the various types of errors that occur in the system, who to call when you see those types of errors, and what tools you have to solve problems.

By: Rosh Dhanawade

Education Analytics - Director of Cloud Engineering and Interoperability

9 AM Problem Solving Strategies for Ed-Fi and NOVA.mp4

Enrollment Reporting Requirements and Implications

(10:00 AM - 10:50 AM)

1. Changes and Improvements in Enrollment and Withdrawal codes

2. Funding and other implications for proper coding Home School, Mobility Rates, Tracking Outcomes

3. Implications for Attendance reporting and attendance validation

4. New resources for Enrollment coding

By: Kim Faulkner, PhD 

Research Evaluation and Accountability - Data Analyst IV,

 Julianna Montoya

Options for Parents & Families - Home School & Federal Programs Administrator,

& Barbara Armijo 

Safe and Healthy Schools School Bureau - Attendance Improvement Coordinator

10 AM Enrollment Reporting Requirements and Implications.mp4

Discipline Data: Why Accurate Reporting is so Critical

(10:00 AM - 10:50 AM)

Participants will learn how to use the new Discipline Dashboard and why Restorative practices are key to reducing discipline events.

By: Emily Green, MA 

Safe and Healthy Schools Bureau - Prevention, Response and Resiliency Coordinator,

 Charlene Marcotte 

Special Education Division - Data Supervisor

& Miguel Lozano 

Special Education Division - Chief Counsel

10 AM Discipline Data: Why Accurate Reporting is so Critical.mp4

Bilingual Multicultural Education Programs Reporting- Be A Pro at BEP Validations

(10:00 AM - 10:50 AM)

Bilingual Multicultural Education Programs Reporting- Be A Pro at BEP Validations

This session will focus on data reporting for a state-funded Bilingual Multicultural Education Programs (BMEP). The presenter will discuss the validation process and STARS reporting requirements for the BMEP that will be utilized for SY 23-24.

By: Carlos Avila

Language and Culture Division - Bilingual Multicultural Education Program Specialist

Showing Up Together: Attendance Matters!

(11:00 AM - 11:50 AM)

In this session, learn how attendance is collected, analyzed and disseminated for use by districts, schools, families and community partners to support attendance improvement statewide. Participants will learn how the K12+ Model addresses attendance improvement and academic achievement through a collaboration with school staff, health professionals and community partners.

By: Barbara Armijo 

Safe and Healthy Schools School Bureau - Attendance Improvement Coordinator

& Nathan Williams

Community Schools Group - Partner & External Relationships Director

11 AM Showing Up Together: Attendance Matters!.mp4

Learning Gateway to Special Education Data

(11:00 AM - 11:50 AM)

This session will review STARS special education data collection changes for the 2023-2024 school year.  Updates and new requirements set forth by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) will also be reviewed.  The District Profile Reporting (DPR) system will be reviewed to ensure LEA's understand how to access their final data for each indicator and use it for data-driven decision making.

By: Charlene Marcotte 

Special Education Division - Data Supervisor

& Miguel Lozano 

Special Education Division - Chief Counsel

11 AM Learning Gateway to Special Education Data.mp4

State Data Reporting Requirements for English Learners

(11:00 AM - 11:50 AM)

English learners’ presence is significant in most districts and charter schools across New Mexico. Parents or legal guardians of new students to the public school system must complete a Language Usage Survey (LUS) to help identify potential English learners. A potential English learner is assessed with the department-approved English language proficiency screeners to determine his/her appropriate English proficiency status. In this session, participants will learn about LUS codes, screeners cut scores to ensure accurate English learner counts are reported to STARS, English learner programs reported through the Programs Fact, and Participation Information Codes to ensure that the English Learner/Title III data validation is as accurate as possible.

By: Vanessa Vander Galien

Language and Culture Division - English Learner Specialist

11 AM State Data Reporting Requirements for English Learners.mp4

Enrollment Reporting Requirements and Implications

(1:30 PM - 2:20 PM)

1. Changes and Improvements in Enrollment and Withdrawal codes

2. Funding and other implications for proper coding Home School, Mobility Rates, Tracking Outcomes

3. Implications for Attendance reporting and attendance validation

4. New resources for Enrollment coding

By: Kim Faulkner, PhD 

Research Evaluation and Accountability - Data Analyst IV,

 Julianna Montoya

Options for Parents & Families - Home School & Federal Programs Administrator,

& Barbara Armijo 

Safe and Healthy Schools School Bureau - Attendance Improvement Coordinator

1:30 PM Enrollment Reporting Requirements and Implications.mp4

Discipline Data: Why Accurate Reporting is so Critical

(1:30 PM - 2:20 PM)

Participants will learn how to use the new Discipline Dashboard and why Restorative practices are key to reducing discipline events.

By: Emily Green, MA 

Safe and Healthy Schools Bureau - Prevention, Response and Resiliency Coordinator,

 Charlene Marcotte 

Special Education Division - Data Supervisor

& Miguel Lozano 

Special Education Division - Chief Counsel

1:30 PM Discipline Data and Restorative Pracitices: decreasing discpline infractions.mp4

Bilingual Multicultural Education Programs Reporting- Be A Pro at BEP Validations

(1:30 PM - 2:20 PM)

Bilingual Multicultural Education Programs Reporting- Be A Pro at BEP Validations

This session will focus on data reporting for a state-funded Bilingual Multicultural Education Programs (BMEP). The presenter will discuss the validation process and STARS reporting requirements for the BMEP that will be utilized for SY 23-24.

By: Carlos Avila

Language and Culture Division - Bilingual Multicultural Education Program Specialist

1:30 PM Bilingual Multicultural Education Programs Reporting- Be A Pro at BEP Validations.mp4

Showing Up Together: Attendance Matters!

(2:30 PM - 3:20 PM)

In this session, learn how attendance is collected, analyzed and disseminated for use by districts, schools, families and community partners to support attendance improvement statewide. Participants will learn how the K12+ Model addresses attendance improvement and academic achievement through a collaboration with school staff, health professionals and community partners.

By: Barbara Armijo 

Safe and Healthy Schools School Bureau - Attendance Improvement Coordinator

& Nathan Williams

Community Schools Group - Partner & External Relationships Director

2:30 PM Showing Up Together: Attendance Matters!.mp4

Learning Gateway to Special Education Data

(2:30 PM - 3:20 PM)

This session will review STARS special education data collection changes for the 2023-2024 school year.  Updates and new requirements set forth by the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) will also be reviewed.  The District Profile Reporting (DPR) system will be reviewed to ensure LEA's understand how to access their final data for each indicator and use it for data-driven decision making.

By: Charlene Marcotte 

Special Education Division - Data Supervisor

& Miguel Lozano 

Special Education Division - Chief Counsel

State Data Reporting Requirements for English Learners

(2:30 PM - 3:20 PM)

English learners’ presence is significant in most districts and charter schools across New Mexico. Parents or legal guardians of new students to the public school system must complete a Language Usage Survey (LUS) to help identify potential English learners. A potential English learner is assessed with the department-approved English language proficiency screeners to determine his/her appropriate English proficiency status. In this session, participants will learn about LUS codes, screeners cut scores to ensure accurate English learner counts are reported to STARS, English learner programs reported through the Programs Fact, and Participation Information Codes to ensure that the English Learner/Title III data validation is as accurate as possible.

By: Vanessa Vander Galien

Language and Culture Division - English Learner Specialist