STARS/Nova Conference Documents

Sessions from Thursday August 10, 2023

Digital Resources Data Making a Difference

(9:00 AM - 9:50 AM)

After two years of collecting data on broadband connectivity and devices, the data from the districts and charter schools is being mapped by the Office of Broadband Access and Expansion. Combined with service territories of providers, the state can get a clear picture of areas that need improved broadband coverage. All students deserve access to online resources no matter where they live in the state. This session will step through transforming digital resources data into maps that can improve connectivity for communities in the state.

By: John Chadwick, Ed.D. Public Education Department Information Technology - Digital Equity Coordinator, 

Alex Trujillo Office of Broadband Access and Expansion - Project Manager, 

& Natalie Runyan Department of Information Technology - NM Geospatial Information Officer

9 AM Digital Resources Data Making a Difference.mp4

Submitting & Reviewing Data The Process & Expectations

(9:00 AM - 9:50 AM)

The Data Submission and Data Review process can become a bit confusing when in the middle of it. Come and learn what the process is during these times, as well as the expectations. 

By: Nova Team

9 AM Data Review Process and Expectations.mp4

Flat File submissions to the Ed-Fi ODS

(9:00 AM - 9:50 AM)

This session will talk about the process we are using for data submissions when the Student Information System (SIS) API connection to Ed-Fi either does not exist or is not sufficient.

By: Jon Hickam

Red Globe Inc. - Ed-Fi Subject Matter Expert

9 AM Flat File Training.mp4

Nova Reports Training

(10:00 AM - 10:50 AM)

The Nova Team has created reports that will be helpful to you all in order to look at, validate, and ensure your data being sent to Nova is accurate. We will show how reports have changed and things to consider when running the reports.

By: Collin Neville

Data Validation Support Engineer, 

Kristina Fernandez

Senior Warehouse Support Engineer, 

& Nicholas Keyes

Application Developer II

10 AM Nova Reports Training.mp4

Unique ID Training

(10:00 AM - 10:50 AM)

The Public Education Department utilizes a system that will generate unique identifying numbers for students and one day staff. Come learn how this system works and become familiar with the Unique ID system for your district or charter. 

By: Johnathon Garcia

Data Warehouse Support Engineer

10 AM Unique ID Training.mp4

Flat File submissions to the Ed-Fi ODS

(10:00 AM - 10:50 AM)

This session will talk about the process we are using for data submissions when the Student Information System (SIS) API connection to Ed-Fi either does not exist or is not sufficient.

By: Jon Hickam

Red Globe Inc. - Ed-Fi Subject Matter Expert

10 AM Flat File Training.mp4

Data Validation Dashboard Training

(11:00 AM - 11:50 AM)

Lets get your data clean, by utilizing the Data Validation Dashboard. The Nova Team has begun creating validations that the LEA will be able to see earlier. Come learn how to get access and how to utilize the dashboard in your daily work.

By: Collin Neville

Data Validation Support Engineer

& Nicholas Keyes

Application Developer II

11 AM Data Validation Dashboard Training.mp4

Data Adjustment Dashboard Training

(11:00 AM - 11:50 AM)

Once the reporting period has begun and we begin the Data Review or Certification processes. There are times when a change needs to be pushed up to reflect that change. Come learn how the Data Adjustment Dashboard will help LEAs with ensuring only necessary changes are pushed up. 

By: Johnathon Garcia

Data Warehouse Support Engineer

11 AM Data Validation Dashboard Training.mp4

Conference Wrap Up

(12:00 AM - 12:50 AM)

Time to say goodbye for now. Our team would like to thank you for attending and participating in the conference. Please feel free to stop by and share any last minute questions, concerns, or ideas on how we can best support you all during the 2023-2024 School Year.

By: Nova Team