Set SMART Goals

How to set SMART Goals for learning Spanish:

One of the keys to success in anything (like learning Spanish) is to set SMART goals.


The goal needs to be specific. To Learn Spanish, is not a specific goal. To learn 35 vocabulary words is specific.


You must be able to measure the goal. Is there a target number? If not, review the goal. A good, measurable goal is to learn 35 vocabulary words. A poorly measurable goal would be to improve your vocabulary.


Is the goal reasonable and not too broad. Who is responsible? This one is easy throughout your life.

You are responsible. Always.


Is your goal relevant? Is this related to Spanish? Is it interesting and important to you? Is your goal realistic? A realistic goal is to learn 35 vocabulary words in 2 days. A non-realistic goal would be to learn 700 vocabulary words in 2 days.


Is there a time frame set for your goal? A timely goal is to learn 35 vocabulary words in 2 days. A poorly defined time frame would be to learn 35 vocabulary words as fast as possible.

(Romey, 2022)