Digital Media Liaison Contacts

We are Graduate Assistants working as Digital Media Liaisons in the School of Architecture at Portland State University. We want to assist you with digital technology and help answer any questions you have when using new software or learning new digital design methods. 

Reach out to us during our office hours, over email, or by signing up for a meeting time on CalendlyWe are also here to offer advice and feedback on your digital drawings, digital models, your portfolios or just have nerdy conversations with you about architecture.

For related information on the School of Architecture, visit the Online Resource Guide for Students.

Camilla Palmer

Digital Media Liaison

3-year Master of Architecture

Office Hours: M/W/F 11:00am - 11:00pm

Digital Lab, Shattuck Hall 107

Ethan Goldblatt

Digital Media Liaison

3-year Master of Architecture

Office Hours: T/TH 3:00pm - 5:00pm

Digital Lab, Shattuck Hall 107


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