Vocab List

EXITO-Specific Terminology

EXITO Phase 1: Phase 1 Includes: Summer Research Academy, Enrichment, the Gateway course, mentoring, academic, and financial advising services.

EXITO Phase 2: After completing Phase 1, Scholars have the opportunity to decide if they want to apply to Phase 2. After a successful application & acceptance into Phase 2, students join a Research Learning Community (RLC) for formal research training. Phase 2 of the program also provides financial assistance, Enrichment sessions, the continuation of mentorship, advising, and connections to other student services.

2nd Phase Application: After your first year in the program, you can apply to participate in an additional two years in the BUILD EXITO program, which we call Phase 2. After a successful application to Phase 2, Scholars join a Research Learning community (RLC) for formal research training in a hands-on research environment. Phase 2 also provides financial assistance, regular Enrichment sessions, the continuation of mentorship, advising, and connections to other student services.

Enrichment: Phase of the BUILD EXITO program with a three-fold approach consisting of the following: workshop time, research-related event time, faculty & staff one-to-one time. Enrichment is a regularly occurring event during all program years.

Induction: Phase of the BUILD EXITO program that prepared Scholar to enter their RLC through research hours and enrichment programming. This is the first programming of Phase 2 and occurs the summer between Program Years 1 and 2.

Immersion: Phase of the BUILD EXITO program where Scholars are immersed in their research over the summer completing 250 research hours and 50 enrichment hours. This occurs between Program Years 2 and 3.

SRA (Summer Research Academy):

Phase of the BUILD EXITO program meant to help to give you a strong foundational understanding of research and the chance to broaden your understanding of different biomedical fields and follow your curiosity. Our goal is to equip you with the skills and experience you need to prepare for education beyond your undergraduate degree and a future career in biomedical research fields.

RLC (Research Learning Communities):

Research Learning Communities (RLCs) are a mechanism for enhancing institutional research capacity by supporting faculty development and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration. A typical RLC will feature one or more well-established senior investigators with major funded research projects collaborating with several co-investigators and other colleagues in various stages of career development.

The academic research groups that scholars can enter into during phase 2. They may be a combination of multiple research labs or one lab headed by a single PI. They may have many personal and take on several scholars or may have less than 10 people. The groups have a wide range of research topics that relate to many different majors and areas of research interests.

Research Mentor: An individual who is in the RLC, is the Scholar's supervisor, and may be the Scholar's main point of contact. The research mentor may or may not be the Scholar's PI. Research Mentors are a Program Year 2 element (i.e. after Scholars apply and get accepted to phase 2).

Career Mentor: Faculty members who offer encouraging guidance to scholars on a range of academic and career development topics, such as navigating higher education, connecting with campus services and resources, choosing a career path, developing a strong CV, networking with colleagues, writing proposals and manuscripts, applying to graduate programs, and simply discussing the ups and downs of college life. You will be assigned a Career Mentor in Program Year 1.

Peer Mentor: An individual who shares a similar background and/or is in the same career stage and provides their support to scholars. For the BUILD EXITO program, the Scholar has a peer mentor for Program Year 1, who is an undergraduate student and usually is a BUILD EXITO alumni.

Elevator Pitch: A 60-second oral presentation encompassing personal information (i.e., name, school, major), academic goals, and research interests.

Research Terminology

PI (Principal Investigator): An individual who is the lead researcher of a grant project and is responsible for activities including, but not limited to conducting, managing, reporting, and adhering to the integrity of the research design. For the BUILD EXITO program, Dr. Carlos Crespo is the PI.

Co-PI/ Co-I (Co-Principal Investigator/Co-Investigator): An individual who has similar duties as the PI, makes significant contributions, and shares responsibility for the conduct of the research with the PI. A Co-PI or C-I is also the personnel that the PI most often refers to for assistance related to the research being conducted. For the BUILD EXITO program, Dr. Thomas Keller is the Co-PI.

NIH (National Institutes of Health): An agency of the United States government that focuses on biomedical and public health research and funds the BUILD EXITO program.

IRB board (Institutional Review Board): Every academic institution is required to have a IRB board to ensure research ethics at the institution. All labs at the campus must submit and get approval by their IRB board before engaging in any research with human or animal subjects.

Scientific Conference: A formal event where researchers and colleagues present their research work and learn about new scientific developments. Conferences are typically topic or degree based (A conference focusing on health policy reform or a Community Psychology Conference). They often happen annually or biannually and can be divided into national and regional divisions.

Scientific Poster: A common tool for sharing information and research results at scientific meetings and conferences. It is often left on display following a poster session, so it should include all the relevant information that a reader could be looking for. Posters often closely mimic the organization and content of scientific journal articles.

Oral Presentation: A formal verbal presentation that can be accompanied by a visual on a topic delivered to an audience. Often a verbal presentation of the published academic journal article.

Academic Journal: A physical or online source that publishes scientific work across various topics for experts in the field to discuss, provide feedback, present, and contribute to adding to the field's knowledge.

Journal Article: A manuscript that scientists use to share their research findings and submit for publication. Journal articles can consist of primary and review articles, and most are peer-reviewed.

Scientific Abstract: A brief summary of a scientific study and the results. Typically available for free when the article may not be and are considered "cliff notes" for journal articles. They are also used to apply to research conferences (e.g., posters and presentations).

Peer-review: The process of strenuous scientific review that every article submitted to an academic journal undergoes. A peer-reviewed research article in a scientific journal is considered the gold standard of research.

Thesis/Dissertation: Graduate students who propose a research topic submit the findings with a detailed analysis of current literature and how their work furthers the field. They defend this dissertation to their academic advisor and colleagues in the field before they are approved for their doctoral degree.

Degrees and Academic Positions

Undergraduate: A student that is working on their bachelor degree at a college or university.

Post-Bac Student: A student who has completed the requirements for a bachelor degree and are working towards a second bachelor's or entry degree.

Graduate Student: A student who has completed their bachelor degree and is currently working to complete a Masters or PhD program.

Postdoctoral Researcher: An individual who conducts research after the completion of their doctoral education.

Adjunct Professor: An individual with a master's or doctoral degree who is hired on a contractual basis, is usually part-time, and may teach at more than one institution.

Assistant Professor: A full-time professor and researcher who is on track to becoming a tenured professor.

Tenured Professor: An indefinite academic appointment that may only be terminated under extraordinary circumstances.

GTA (Graduate Teaching Assistant): A master's or doctoral program student who teaches one or more college-level courses and are part-time teachers and full-time students. They also receive a stipend and/or tuition reimbursement.

GRA (Graduate Research Assistant): A master's or doctoral program student who supports faculty with ongoing research projects and receives a stipend and/or tuition reimbursement.

Research Assistant: An individual with a bachelor's degree who provides support to professionals who are conducting research in a variety of settings (i.e., hospitals, universities, etc.).

Professional: An individual who is in a university to have a professional career outside universities. Some work one-on-one with individual clients. Some teach and do research in professional training programs in universities. They may work on research in many settings.

Academic pathway: An individual who is trained in a university on a path that leads to being a university professor. Some academics teach undergraduates and do less research. Others mostly do research and teach graduate students to be academics.

Clinical pathway: An individual who is trained in a clinical/medical program to work with individual patients. Some also teach and/or do research in a clinical school or clinical research program. They may work on health research in a community.

Associate Degree: A two year degree received from a community college that prepares students for a career or to transfer to a university to work towards a bachelor degree.

Master's degree: A graduate degree demonstrating mastery of a topic and used to advance knowledge in a field, increase income potential, and job opportunity. May or may not require research and publications depending on the program and field of study.

MPH (Master of Public Health): A graduate-level degree focused on the practical aspects of public health (i.e., biostatistics, epidemiology, environmental health, health policy & administration, and social & behavioral sciences) that can be translated into a career setting.

PhD: A doctor of philosophy, which is considered to be the highest degree awarded in most countries. It also requires the submission and presentation of a thesis or dissertation at the end of a graduate student's course of study.

MD/PhD: A dual doctoral degree combining both the doctor of medicine and doctor of philosophy degrees for aspiring physician-scientists.

DO: Doctor of Osteopathic medicine. Individuals wishing to become doctors get a MD or DO degree which have slightly different educational programs but are both accredited in the US.

Terminal Degree: The highest degree awarded in any field, and can also be a degree or certification that qualifies you to work outside of academia without receiving a PhD. An example would be a PsyD degree which trains psychologists to practice in a clinical setting without requiring research and other academic requirements that the PhD requires.

Accredited Institution: A college, university, or technical program that has undergone a thorough analysis to ensure the quality and equality of the program's education.

Graduate School: An institution that awards advanced degrees in any field or discipline. Awards degrees can be either academic, professional, or both.

Other Terminology

CV (curriculum vitae): A document with detailed academic and professional information (e.g., research and clinical experiences, conferences, publications, grants) throughout the course of an individual's career; can be multiple pages long.

Resume: A document including information on a person's job experience, education, skills, background and accomplishments; usually 1-2 pages long.

Cover letter: A personalized introductory letter that mentions experiences listed on CV or resume and further expands on why the individual is a good fit for a position or program.

Statement of Purpose: A detailed essay where an individual introduces themselves, discusses their academic preparedness, future academic goals, and why they are applying and a good fit for the chosen institution. This is a required component for graduate or medical schools.

Personal Statement: An essay with a broader mention of an individual's passion for a field and chosen program. This is a required component for graduate or medical schools.

Letter of Recommendation/Reference Letter: A document from a previous or current professor, employer, or anyone else who can speak to an individual's skills, performance, or character and explains why the individual is a good fit for a position or program.