Contact List

Contact by Site

American Samoa Community College

Clackamas Community College

Clark College

Northern Marianas College

Portland Community College

Portland State University

  • Main Avenue of Contact:

  • More information in section below

University of Guam

University of Alaska Anchorage

PSU Staff Contacts

Please note the program areas listed are only those touched upon during the Summer Research Academy to avoid confusion.

Aaron Link (EXITO Project Coordinator)

Arjun Viray (Communications Specialist & EXITO Alumni)


  • Program Areas: Communication, Social Media, Photo Releases, Summer Research Academy

Becky Miller (EXITO Project Coordinator)

Carlos Quatela (EXITO Academic Advisor)

Cassandra Ramirez (Operations Coordinator)


  • Program Areas: Summer Research Academy including funding ($300)

De'Sha Wolf (EXITO Managing Director)

Kay Logan (Mentoring Coordinator)

Jennifer Lindwall (Communications Coordinator)


  • Program Areas: Communication, Social Media, Photo Releases, Summer Research Academy

Lisa Marriott (PSU Enrichment Lead)

Matt Honore (EXITO Evaluation Team)

Mae Culbertson (EXITO Project Coordinator)

Radhika Reddy (EXITO Research Enrichment Coordinator)


  • Program Areas: Research Placements & Research Learning Communities

contact methods for sra Presenters

Engagement Facilitators

By Session

Health Disparities Presentation

Introduction to Identity Mapping

Current Scholar & Alumni Panel (click here for bios/head shots)

EXITO Financial Support (Phase 2) Session for PSU & Transfer Scholars only

  • Henry George: When reaching out please identify yourself as an EXITO Scholar from Cohort 6 from PSU or your Community College

  • For financial information for UoG and UAA please contact your site faculty, email in the "Contact by Site" section of this page

Research Learning Community Panel (click here for bios/head shots)

Virtual Poster Hall

Mentoring Panel

Informational Interviewing Workshop

Graduate Student Panel (click here for bios/head shots)