Links from Zoom

During SRA, we noticed that many links were being shared in the Zoom chat and have compiled them below. If we missed any send us an email and we can update this list!

Email Contact Info

Ben Simon ( Email questions regarding Portland Community College's gateway course.

De'Sha Wolf ( Email questions about Financial support by EXITO.


Matt Honore presented on Day 1 of SRA about the larger BUILD EXITO study. During his presentation, several publications about BUILD EXITO were shared. Read about them at the links below!

Current Scholar and Alumni SRA Panelist Bios and Information

On Day 2 of SRA, Dr. Anne Ames moderated the Current Scholar and Alumni panel. Some scholars asked for the contact information and bios of scholars/alumni who were on the panel. Follow the link below to get access to this information:


Throughout SRA, several Scholars have asked about current Research Learning Communities (RLCs) who have BUILD EXITO Scholars. The following link will bring you to a page that includes most of the RLCs:

RLC Panel Bios and Information

On Day 3 of SRA, Dr. Drake Mitchell moderated the RLC Panel. To access the bios and information of the individuals on the panel, follow the link below:

Cohort 6 Scholar Contact Info and Social Media

Follow the link below to access the live Google sheet with social media handles of your fellow Scholars!

OHSU-PSU School of Public Health; Pre-Nursing/Public Health options

Several scholars were asking about EXITO and public health. Follow the link below to learn more about the OHSU-PSU School of Public Health BA/BS program:


Graduate/Medical School