ACE Lab News
Janurary 2025: Traylor et al. 2024 gaining media coverage
Summer Traylor's paper on microplastic contamination in common PNW seafood species received attention from numerous media outlets:
December 2024: Lab alumni, Summer Traylor published in Frontiers in Toxicology
Summer Traylor's work was published in December 2024 in Frontiers in Toxicology:
From the ocean to our kitchen table: anthropogenic particles in the edible tissue of U.S. West Coast seafood species
Here is the link:
Fall 2024: Lab alumni, Amanda Gannon obtained a Sea Grant Natural Policy Fellowship with ODFW
Amanda works within the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife’s Marine Reserves program to help better understand the adaptive management planning process and how it can be applied to the context of the Oregon coast. As part of the Human Dimensions team, she works on a variety of projects that range from analyzing marine protected area enabling conditions to helping facilitate the development of socioeconomic indicators.
November 2024: Lab Member Bria Bleil Awarded WIS Scholarship
Bria Bleil was awarded the Professional Development Scholarship from Women in Science Portland
Congratulations, Bria!
September 2024: Dr. Elise Granek Awarded Oregon Sea Grant
Beyond the drain: Tackling anthropogenic particle pollution sources
to wastewater and biosolids across communities
Dr. Elise Granek, project lead, received the Oregon Sea Grant to address the main sources of microplastics from coastal tourism by developing washing machine, dishwasher, and clothes dryer filters and creating cost-effective air filtration devices.
Read more at:
The ACE Lab collaborated to create a Microplastics Brochure aimed at educating the public, policymakers, and corporations on microplastics information and solutions.
April 2024: Lab alumni, Geoff Szafranski, published in Environmental Advances
Geoff Szafranski's work was published in April 2024 in Environmental Advances:
Contamination in mangrove ecosystems: A synthesis of literature reviews across multiple contaminant categories
Here is the link:
April 2024: Lab Member Jazmine Compton Selected for Internship in Costa Rica this Summer
Jazmine Compton was selected for the [ internship] and will be working on sea turtles in Costa Rica this summer.
Congratulations, Jazmine!
March 2024: Lab Member Bria Bleil Awarded NERI McGowan Grant
Bria Bleil was awarded the 2024 NERI McGowan grant for her project on pesticides in coastal sea anemones.
Congratulations, Bria!
November 2023: Lab alumni, Geoff Szafranski, published in Marine Pollution Bulletin
Geoff Szafranski's work was published in November 2023 in Marine Pollution Bulletin:
Contamination in mangrove ecosystems: A synthesis of literature reviews across multiple contaminant categories
Here is the link:
June 2023: Blog by Allie Tissot published in UW's Tide Bite
Allie Tissot recently published a blog in UW's Tide Bite newsletter describing her time at Friday Harbor Laboratories where she ran an experiment exposing Pycnopodia to pesticides and microfibers.
Here is the link:
January 2023: Scholarships and fellowships awarded to lab members
2022 Edward and Olive Bushby Scholarship:
Keir Allison-Bourne, Corinne Heath, Amanda Gannon, and Josè Aparicio-Castillo
2023-2024 Chen Endowed Fellowship in Science and Mathematics Entrepreneurship:
Alexandra Tissot
January 2023: Lab alumni, Kaegan Scully-Engelmeyer, published in Hydrobiologia
Kaegan Scully-Engelmeyer's final dissertation chapter was published in Jan 2023 in Hydrobiologia:
Freshwater mussel populations in Pacific Coast Watersheds (Oregon, USA): occurrence, condition, habitat, and fish species overlap
Here is the link:
June 2022: Book Chapter published by ACE lab members
ACE Lab members Summer Traylor, Allie Tissot, Rosie Wood, and Paul Hurst led by Dr. Elise Granek and OSU colleague Dr. Susanne Brander, published a book chapter entitled Clothes encounters of the microfibre kind: The effects of natural and synthetic textiles on organisms. This chapter covers the volume of literature on how microfiber pollution from textiles affects marine organisms.
May 2022: Lab Member Geoff Szafranski Awarded Grant
Geoff Szafranski was awarded the 2022 Society of Wetland Scientists Student Research Grant for his work on Contaminant analysis of coastal mangrove ecosystems across different environmental conditions in Hawaii and Florida
May 2022: Dissertation of the Year - Natural Sciences awarded to ACE Lab student
Kaegan Scully-Engelmeyer was awarded the Dissertation of the Year- Natural Sciences for his dissertation "Exploring Linkages between Landscape Patterns and Freshwater and Estuarine Bivalves in the Coast Range of Oregon"