5 Giraffes

Minds On

What fact did you enjoy learning about giraffes?

What surprised you?

What might you still wonder?

Let's Read!

Learning Goals:

  • I can summarize important ideas and cite supporting details
  • I can extend understanding of what I read by connecting to other texts and/or experiences
  • I can express an opinion about the text and support it with evidence
  • I can find, utilize and cite resources that fall under Creative Commons licensing
  • I can create, edit and revise multimedia artifacts to communicate my thinking

Let's Make!

Many of the learning opportunities below can be guided by a modified 3-2-1 template. Feel free to copy and modify for your learners.

Design and create a model device to help feed a giraffe

How might you help a giraffe feed in captivity?

How high would you have to create a device?

How might you make it look as much like a tree as possilbe?

Create uplifting bookmarks inspired by a giraffe's story

As a class, generate some positive slogans about Gemina.

Why was she so important?

What did message did she give the world?

What can we learn from her?

What does she represent?

Create a paper bookmark.

Create an interactive collage of all the giraffes in the story

Create a video to re-tell one of the Giraffe's stories!

Reflect and Connect

Think about it:

What skills and competencies are students developing while learning?

How might we document, share, reflect and connect with our learning communities in order to drive thinking forward?

Create, reflect upon and share learning via a documentation panel or audit trail

How might this panel provide you more insight to what is happening in the learning environment?

How might this panel spark dialogue and discussion about teaching and learning practices?

How might this panel empower learners (students and teachers)?

How might you caption the learning? How might the students?

What might you continue to wonder in order to drive learning forward?

Document and share learning with a learning story

Feel free to make a copy and edit for your own learning.

Forest of Reading learning journals and badges

What if students documented their learning with a learning journal created with Google Slides?

What if students got badges for the skills they used through Forest of Reading learning opportunities?

Forest of Reading Learning Journal Silver Birch

Here is a Google Slide Deck that could possibly be modified and copied for students to showcase their learning.

Please feel free make a copy and modify for your own students.

Additionally, please find all the templates and pngs for the badges in the Google Drive folder below.