Taelor Derrickson

Business Education

PCM High School

Welcome! My name is Ms. Taelor Derrickson. I teach the Business & Computer classes here at PCM. This is my first year in education, also my first year at PCM. If you'd like to know more about me, you can click here.

This site includes information about the classes I teach, the Crimson Cup, ways to stay involved in your student's education, and keeps you up to date on what your student is learning.

If you have any questions, please let me know!

Employability Skills: Meeting Deadlines

As a CTE (Career & Technical Education) Teacher, one of the things I emphasize in my classroom is helping students prepare for post-secondary success. In all of my classes, the employability skill -- ability to meet deadlines -- is emphasized. As such, the following late work policies apply: 

For daily assignments:

For projects: 

Other employability skills are focused on more specifically in certain classes -- see each class' webpage for more specific information on what employability skills are focused on and that students are held accountable for.

Classes Offered

Introduction to Business

This class is all about introducing and exposing students to the different areas of business and how they relate to each other. We start by talking about the economy and how that affects both business and consumers and move on to discuss things like entrepreneurship, marketing, human resources, finance, etc. 

Computer Applications

This class is designed to give students a broad exposure to current and emerging computer applications. Students will develop computer skills that will help boost their academic, personal, and professional success. Students will learn about safety with technology and the internet, practice using G-Suite apps such as Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc, and be able to be hands on with other sites and technology.

Accounting I

This class is all about introducing students to the accounting cycle & different accounting concepts. Students will learn accounting terminology, how to journal transactions, and some Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP).

Accounting II

This class is all about taking the concepts learned in Accounting I and furthering the knowledge, allowing the student to gain a deeper understanding of accounting in the real world.

Sports & Entertainment Marketing

Students will learn about the general concepts of marketing, and then how they tie into the sports and entertainment industry.