About Me

Taelor Derrickson

I was born and raised in Indianola, where I graduated in the class of 2019. I attended the University of Northern Iowa, where I received my Bachelor's Degree in Business Education. I did my student teaching in the Omaha school district, where I got to experience teaching both middle school and high school students.

I had said I was going to be a teacher my whole life until I got to high school. I then decided to go into accounting. When I first stepped foot onto campus in Cedar Falls, I began as an Accounting Major working towards getting a Master's in Accounting and taking the CPA exam. I quickly decided I did not want to work in an office, and that I truly found my passion working with students.

When I'm not at school, I love spending my time outdoors, reading, listening to a podcast, or being with my fiancé and friends. I also love ice cream and coffee, so I'm typically trying a new place or making my own. Over the summers and on breaks I try to travel as much as possible. My goal is to make it to all 50 states within the next 5 years! My favorite place to travel is definitely the ocean -- there is nothing more relaxing than reading on the beach!

This is both my first year teaching, and my first year at PCM. I am looking forward to meeting all of the students and learning from them! Business is my favorite subject, and I am excited to be able to teach them about both academic subjects, but also connect those lessons to real world concepts in order to best prepare them for their future!

Courses I teach include: Accounting, Computer Applications, Entrepreneurship, Introduction to Business, International Business, and Sports & Entertainment Marketing.

My Philosophy Towards Education:

I believe that all students are more than capable of learning and succeeding. Because of this, I have high expectations for all of my students. I make sure to challenge and stretch students, but also provide them unwavering support. I work as a team with my students - I will provide help and support as needed, but my overall goal is to watch them flourish and spread their own wings. Teaching and supporting students is my main responsibility.

Because students cannot do everything on their own, I try to make myself as available as possible. This includes time before school, after school, during my planning period, and WIN time. 

Learning is the responsibility of each student. If a student is falling behind, not understanding the material, or not understanding what is being asked of them, they need to ask for help. I will accept late work, and this work will not be penalized. The portion of the gradebook that is penalized for late work is Accountability (if you need more information on Accountability, click here). If a student needs more practice, I will make sure they have that extra practice. Asking for help and advocating for themselves will not only help your student academically, but also in the future!