This term, we read several stories by authors from a variety of outer-circle countries. These are countries where English remains a vital language even after independence from colonizers. We learned a lot about their cultures and how English is used in their countries. 

Now we invite you to choose two stories and read them again carefully. Think about how they are connected or related. What do you notice? What is interesting to you? Then write a short essay according to the outline below. 

This assignment promotes careful reading and critical thinking. It asks you to think about our cultural (and language) diversity and our common humanity. In other words, what's different? And what is the same? To be successful, you must think deeply, not superficially, and you must support your ideas with evidence from the stories themselves.  


Choose two stories:



Ordelia Halsey

Reading 8 

December 1, 2022


Required Parts 

This is how your instructor will score your work. You should use the same checklist to review your work before you turn it in:

Optional Extra Credit (1 point)

If you would like help getting started or feedback on a draft, you can visit a college tutor or Reading/Writing Center. When you do this, you also receive one extra credit point. This is not required, but it is recommended. Visit the college tutoring web page for more information and schedule. Ask the tutor to send your instructor an email to confirm your visit (or you can send your instructor a copy of your appointment confirmation email).  

TIP: Don’t just give them your paper and ask “Is this OK?” or ask them to check your grammar. The tutors are not there to proofread your work. That’s your job. Instead, ask questions about the stories or areas of your writing that concern you. Remember to bring or share: