A short story from Bangladesh by Shabnam Nadiya 

Characters in this story skip rocks across the surface of a pond. This action creates ripples in the water. Their observations about their surroundings create metaphorical ripples. In other words, we can see how one small action can have an effect that extends outward. One word from a stranger can forever change our perspective. A transformation occurs. But is this growth and a new beginning? Or is it the end and a kind of death?


Shabnam Nadiya at a microphone

From the author's website

“I’m a writer and a translator.

“I’m from Bangladesh.

“I’m a mother.

“I grew up in Jahangirnagar University, a college campus in Bangladesh ….  It seems I’ve spent almost all my life on some college campus or another. True facts: soaring acacia, jackfruit, mango and shaal trees, and lakes and ponds. I love Jahangirnagar about as much as I love the craziness of my rickshaw-car-truck-bus-three wheeler-traffic-mess Dhaka, where I’m still afraid to cross the streets.

“All three phases of my life have defined and transformed who I am as a writer in such distinct ways; I’m grateful to all three places. I dreamt of being a writer in Jahangirnagar, I began my serious explorations into writing and translating in Dhaka, I figured out my way in Iowa City. Except the figuring out part is still ongoing. As if the figuring out part is ever over.”

REFLECT: What does Nadiya mean when she talks about “figuring out her way”?

About the country

Bangladesh is in Southern Asia. It shares a border with India and Burma. The land is mostly flat plains where rivers flow from the Himalaya mountains. Its climate is tropical, and the country often experiences floods and cyclones. 

British colonization of Bangladesh began in the late 1700s. It lasted until 1947 when the provinces of East Pakistan and West Pakistan were established on either side of India. In 1971, the country gained its independence. In 1975, a military coup ended civilian rule, and the military remained in power for 15 years. Today, politics are still uneasy, and Islamic extremism has led to violence against people who do not conform.

Bangladesh is now home to more than 165 million people. It is one of the most densely-populated countries. There is much poverty, but there have also been improvements in health and education. For example, the literacy rate is now about 75%.

Due to the British presence for so long, English became common, beginning with missionaries and businesses. Even today, while not an official language of the country, English is a required subject in education. However, scholars debate if the role of English is that of a second language or a foreign language. 

REFLECT: What is the difference between English as a second language and English as a foreign language?


REFLECT: Which words do you already know? Which words are new to you? What can you predict about the story based on these words?


A pond and buildings on the campus of University of Dhaka

Read the story

As you read, focus on the author’s point of view and how it changes.


Check your understanding

After you read, answer a few comprehension questions to see how much you know about the story.

A pond surrounded by trees and covered with green plant material

Share your opinions

A coastline with a tree

Extend your thinking


“Bangladesh - the World Factbook.” Www.cia.gov, 16 June 2022, www.cia.gov/the-world-factbook/countries/bangladesh/.“Bangladesh Adult Literacy Rate, 1960-2021 - Knoema.com.” Knoema, knoema.com/atlas/Bangladesh/topics/Education/Literacy/Adult-literacy-rate#:~:text=Bangladesh%20%2D%20Adult%20(15%2B)%20literacy%20rate&text=Adult%20literacy%20rate%20of%20Bangladesh. Accessed 3 July 2022.“Bangladesh Country Profile.” BBC News, 26 Feb. 2019, www.bbc.com/news/world-south-asia-12650940.“Bangladesh: Introduction.” Globaledge.msu.edu, globaledge.msu.edu/countries/bangladesh#:~:text=Bangladesh%20is%20a%20country%20in. Accessed 3 July 2022.Chandrasekhar, Indira. “Out of Print Blog: 2016 DNA-out of PRINT Short Fiction Shortlist: Shabnam Nadiya.” Out of Print Blog, 11 Dec. 2016, outofprintmagazine.blogspot.com/2016/12/2016-dna-out-of-print-short-fiction_95.html.Nadiya, Shabnam. “শবনম নাদিয়া.” শবনম নাদিয়া, shabnamnadiya.com/. Accessed 3 July 2022
  • Banner photo by Syed Sajidul Islam, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
  • Author photo from the author's website: https://shabnamnadiya.com/about-me/biocontact/
  • Map from Google Maps
  • "As you read" photo by chjovans, CC BY 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
  • "Share your opinions" photo by Afrida Nurain, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
  • "Extend your thinking" photo by Tonmoydas.phy, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons
  • Comprehension Questions World Map: TUBS , supported by Alexrk2, CC BY-SA 3.0 via Wikimedia Commons